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3 In New Jersey, I never had to shiver by a fire that wouldn't draw, or go without canned food .

3 If employee didn't take his/her holidays for one complete year (from June 1st last year to May 31st this year)before May 31st this year, they are definitively lost. 如果员工不在当年的5月31日前享受一整年(从上一年的6月1日到当年的5月31日)的带薪假期,就意味着自动放弃。
3 If the Buyer discovers an apparent defect in any of the goods then the Buyer must immediately notify Seller in writing and also return the goods to the place nominated by the Seller. 如买方发现设备存在瑕疵后,应当立即以书面方式通知卖方其认为设备中所存在的瑕疵;并且,将该等设备运至卖方指定地点。
3 If the EMPLOYEE is absent for more than one (1) week he/she must ensure that the Chief Executive Officer are kept informed of the progress at weekly intervals. 若该员工的病假超过一周,该员工必须每周向首席执行官报告其病情状况。
3 If three or four athletes shoot simultaneously, the position on the shooting line will be by mutual agreement. 3若三位或四位选手同时发射,在发射线上之位置得由协议确定。
3 If you are applying as a married couple you must supply a marriage certificate/ licence plus three items of correspondence of the kind, or from the sources, listed below, which have been addressed to you and your spouse over the past two years, and whic 3如果你作为配偶类型申请,必须提供婚姻证书或3种相同收信地址和发信地址的邮件,或者从下面列出的,表明在过去两年中你和你的配偶正同样的地址共同生活。
3 In New Jersey, I never had to shiver by a fire that wouldn't draw, or go without canned food . 在新泽西州,我从来不坐在通风不良的炉前发抖。或吃不上罐头。
3 In business circles, men live by their wits. 在商业圈里,人们靠机智生存。
3 In consideration of such right to publish cheap edition, the Publisher shall pay to the Author 30 percent of the retail price of one copy sold of the edition. 考虑到有权出版这一廉价版本,出版商将付给作者所售出的该版本每本零售价30%的款项。
3 In my French and Latin translations I adopted an excellent method, which ,from my own success,I would recommend to the imitation of students. 每当我做法语和拉丁语翻译时,我都采用一个绝妙的方法;根据我自己的成功经验,我愿将他介绍给学生们,以便他们模仿。
3 In order to receives well passes on the folk culture, this can collect the folk daily necessities to the Wanzai neighbors, altogether has collected more than 300, plans the selected location to have more than 80 years historical the prewar Tang building 3为了更好地承传民间文化,该会向湾仔街坊募集民间生活用品,共收集了三百多件,计划选址已有八十多年历史的战前唐楼──蓝屋,在其地下开设「湾仔民间生活馆」,展出有关物品。
3 In the Align Panel, select To Stage to apply alignment modifications relative to stage dimensions. 进入把镶板排成一排,去舞台,选择应用关于舞台尺度排成一行缓和.

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