您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 英汉双语句子大全 >> 的意思
Note: This is by no means intended as an extensive history of the breed, but rather an overview of how the German Shepherd Dog as we know it today came into existence.

Note: This function is binary safe. 注意:这个函数是二进制精确的。
Note: This function is case-sensitive. 注意:这个函数是区分字母大小写的。
Note: This function only works on numerical arrays. 注意:这个函数只用于字符型数组。
Note: This function supports one, two, or four parameters (not three). 注意:这个函数支持一个、两个或四个参数(不支持三个参数)。
Note: This is a valid psychological two-part procedure....first you moonyour enemy, making him furious and when he stands up to give you the finger you have a MUCH larger target so that even a French sniper can't miss! 注:这是有效的心理上的两个步骤.....首先你先用屁股对着敌人,让敌人狂怒,然后当敌人站起来给你看一个手指时,你就有了一个大得多的目标,以至于连法国狙击手也不会射不中。
Note: This is by no means intended as an extensive history of the breed, but rather an overview of how the German Shepherd Dog as we know it today came into existence. [注意:本文的目的不再于研究这个品种悠久的历史演变,只是概括描述德国牧羊犬是怎样演变成今天这样一种知名品种。
Note: This is not where you log in to the IMS! Only editors of this website need to log in here. 要访问网站的这部分内容,您需要输入您的用户名和口令。
Note: This method can only be called on an open Recordset. 注意:只有打开了记录集对象才能请求该方法。
Note: This method does not re-execute the Recordset, so new records in the database will NOT be visible. 注意:这个方法不能记录集对象中重复执行,所以数据库中的新记录将不可见。
Note: This method does not work on Field objects of a Record object. 注意:这个方法并不对记录对象中的字段对象起作用。
Note: This method is available only before the ASP file has sent any content to the browser. 注意:这个方法仅在ASP页面没有将任何数据发送给浏览器之前才有效。

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