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Traffic is backed up for miles.

Traffic flow on Route 3 has been below original forecasts since opening in 1998 and the operator has run up losses of more than $600 million. 三号干线于一九九八年通车,流量较预期为差,累积亏损已达六亿元。
Traffic has snarled up the city centre. 来往车辆把市中心堵得水泄不通.
Traffic hub is an important node on road network, and its effect to the traffic on the net couldn't be ignored. 摘要交通枢纽是道路网络的重要节点,其对道路网络上交通影响不能忽略。
Traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm. 市内交通被暴风雪所阻断。
Traffic is a major contributor of benzene emissions, particularly if the fuel is insufficiently combusted, for example, in the case of older or poorly tuned engines. 交通工具是苯排放的主要来源,尤其是燃料不能充分燃烧时。如那些老旧或调校的很差的引擎。
Traffic is backed up for miles. 交通回堵好几英里。
Traffic is characterized by sharing common resources, which is not mutually exclusive but competitive. 摘要交通具有共有资源的特性,没有排他性而有竞争性。
Traffic is heavier on this road than on the other one. 这条路上的交通比另一条路上拥挤。
Traffic is very congested today. 今天的交通是挤满的。
Traffic is very heavy at peak hours. 在高峰时间交通非常拥挤。
Traffic jam is always irritating. Think of a way to drive your car out from the parking area in shortest time. 求英文的。。。谢谢堵车让人烦心,想办法用最快的时间把你的车移出停车场。

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