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Meanwhile, it is necessary to take the initiative in overcoming the negative impart of the current online literature to the college students and building a green campus online literature.

Meanwhile, it has drawn nourishment from Chinese culture, and develops its own features and national characteristics. 同时,它又不断汲取中国文化的营养,逐步形成了自己的创作特色和民族风格。
Meanwhile, it has talked a cautious game: no firm promise that any interest rate will be cut, but the odd hint that all the options are open in monetary policy, especially when it comes to protecting the real economy from the turbulence on the markets. 同时,它还玩起了捉迷藏:不明确承诺将削减利率,但又奇怪地表示使用所用货币政策工具施行的可能性都存在,尤其是当动荡的金融市场要影响到美国实体经济的时候。
Meanwhile, it has the most advanced post-processing bounding equipments in the world, which are a full-automatic Martini binding machine and a Martini saddle stitcher. 同时后加工装订设备也是世界最为先进的全自动马天尼胶装龙,骑马龙.各一台,效率高,第小时自动胶装裁切生产5000本!
Meanwhile, it is also a bridge through which traditional Chinese medicine can be directly applied in clinics from metaphysics. 中医理论用感性名词概括抽象医学理论,是古代自然哲学樸素性的表现,也是中医理论从形而上直接走向临床应用的桥梁。
Meanwhile, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of data base, to develop the resources and to conduct the customer relations management in the archives, as well as to cultivate compound talents in keeping files. 档案工作服务于知识管理的新途径在于:应用计算机智能技术构建一个开发、获取和应用知识的决策系统;加强数据库建设,开发馆藏资源;做好档案馆用户关系管理;培养复合型档案人才。
Meanwhile, it is necessary to take the initiative in overcoming the negative impart of the current online literature to the college students and building a green campus online literature. 同时,我们也必须积极主动地克服当前网络文学对大学生的消极影响,建设绿色的校园网络文学。
Meanwhile, it is seen that the nonlinear and time-varying tyre model is useful for the sim ulation and analysis of braking performances of vehicles on rough road surface b ecause it reflects the real influence of the road surface roughness on tyre. 同时说明非线性时变轮胎模型能较真实地体现路面不平度的影响,对不平路面上车辆制动性能仿真是一个有效的轮胎力学模型。
Meanwhile, it is well equipped with curve, seal, incision, cutting, weld, hem, syphon and drill press facilities; it will give you good suggestions to your products and is able to cut your cost. 同时,该公司备有折弯,封边,裁剪,焊接,轴压等设备,可以为您的产品出谋划策,降低成本。
Meanwhile, it obtains accordant appreciation by the American and European clients, and it soon becomes a fashionable trend of modern decoration. 同时得到北美、欧洲广大客户的一致好评,成为现代装饰的时尚潮流。
Meanwhile, it seems that the participation of Lee Wing-tat and Chim Pui-chung has brought little effect to the image of themselves and the Democratic Party. 曾荫权能否保持现在的民望优势,未来一两个月的表现将会是相当关键。
Meanwhile, it shows that in the practice of school PE reform in our country, humanistic education essence should be encouraged and celebrated, humanistic PE spirit should be enhanced, and that the ideology of enhancing the public's intelligenceshould be e 同时指出,在我国学校体育改革实践中,应彰显以人为本的教育本质,弘扬体育的人文精神价值,确立体育“立人”的思想,最终实现科学精神与人文精神的融合。

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