As a global Fortune 500 company with more than 324,000 employees, Sodexho has established more than 24,000 contract operations in 76 countries by end of 2005.
截止到2005年底,索迪斯联盟全球拥有员工32.4万人,在76个国家中设立了超过2万个分支企业。 |
As a global business, Amway offers ample development opportunities.
安利是一个跨国的大生意,在这?堙A我可以找到更大的发展空间。 |
As a global leader in the field of Bismuth chemical, we had set up Representative Office and Sells Company in Shenzhen and Shanghai.
作为全球铋化工行业的龙头企业,本公司已在中国深圳和上海分别成立了办事处和销售公司。 |
As a governing body it is held in high esteem by both its member federations and gymnastics clubs throughout five continents.
作为体操运动的权威机构,它深受五大洲各成员联合会和体操俱乐部的重视。 |
As a governmental expenditure, government purchase has direct and forceful effect on the distribution of social resources.
摘要作为政府的一项财政支出,政府采购对全社会资源的配置会产生直接和强有力的经济效果。 |
As a graduate student of Du Shi-ran's, he began to study the history of sciences.
在报考研究生时,偶然看到杜石然先生之名,于是决意报考,幸蒙录取,从此走向了科学史研究之路。 |
As a grass-roots unit in the system of rural Party organizations, the cohesion and working capabilities of the village Party branch will affect the Party's prestige and image in rural dwellers as well as the implementation of the Party's policies and prin
摘要农村党支部是党在农村的基层组织,农村党支部的凝聚力和战斗力如何,影响到党在群众中的威信和形象,影响到党的路线方针政策在广大农村的贯彻落实。 |
As a great Egyptian General won many battles for Egypt.
作为一位伟大的将军,他打胜许多战役. |
As a great Song-dynasty synthesist of philosophy of principle, ZHU Xi disciplined himself very strictly with orthodoxy Confucian teachings, taking no desire,no emotionand no egoas his ideal personality, thus establishing his rationalistic trend that chief
摘要作为宋代理学的集大成者,朱熹“粹然以醇儒之道自律”,以“无欲”、“无情”、“无我”的醇儒作为其理想的人格境界,确立起以“主敬”涵养和“穷理”致知为核心的理性主义路向。 |
As a great legist in late Qing Dynasty who was erudite and well-informed, Shenjiaben, from the point of view that the criminal law was the most essential one among all, was in charge of drafting The New Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty, which overthrew the Ch
摘要作为一个博古通今、连贯中西的晚清法学大家,沈家本从“各法之中,尤以刑法为切要”的认识出发,主持拟定了《大清新刑律》,瓦解了延续中国二千多年的中华法系,导入了以“公正”为灵魂的先进的刑罚思想。 |
As a great man of his time, Chen Duxiu made great contributions in the struggle against feudal anciently restoration education and the imperialist invasion of education, and for the new scientific and democratic education before and after the May Fourth N
摘要作为一代伟人,陈独秀在“五四”新文化运动前后,在中国共产党成立至第一次国内革命战争时期,在反对封建复古教育,反对帝国主义教育侵略,提倡科学民主新教育等方面都做出过重大的贡献。 |