Reuters has 2,300 staff journalists, photographers and camera operators based in 197 bureaux serving 130 countries. It is not aligned or affiliated with any country, culture or movement.
路透社现有2300名文字记者、图片记者、以及摄影师,他们分布在130个国家的197家分社中。路透社独立于任何国家、文化、或运动。 |
Reuters is preparing to accept the offer, the FinancialTimesreported.
据报道,路透财经正准备接受这个收购方案。 |
Reuters is the world's largest international news agency and has been breaking news for over 150 years.
路透社是世界上最大的国际通讯社,已有150余年历史。 |
Reuters says trade between the two blocs amounted to 137 billion dollars in 2005.
路透社说,东盟和欧盟的双边贸易在2005年达1千370亿美元。 |
Reuters trading has been restricted to the foreign exchange and equities markets on current terminals; it has offered only information and analytical services on fixed income.
目前路透终端的交易限于外汇和股票市场,在固定收入交易方面,它仅提供信息和分析服务。 |
Reuters trustees, who could have vetoed any takeover, endorsed the deal.
路透集团的理事最有可能否决这项合并,但他们批准了这项交易。 |
Reuters was the market leader for years before steadily losing ground to Bloomberg.
路透很多年一直是市场的领导者,但彭博资讯渐渐取代了它位置。 |
Reuters yesterday said it received a bid from acompanyit didnt identify, sending the stock up a record 25 percentandpropelling the London-based companys market value to 7.75billionpounds ($15.4 billion).
路透财经昨天表示,在接到匿名收购者的收购建议后,该公司的股价猛涨25%,公司总市值达到77.5亿英镑(约合154亿美元)。 |
Reuters-Thomson will have roughly the same market share as Bloomberg.
现在,新公司路透-汤姆逊与彭博资讯占有大致相同的市场份额。 |
ReutersFOR most of the past three years, the highly pathogenic bird flu known as H5N1 has been found mainly in Asia.
过去的近三年中,H5N1型高致病性禽流感主要出现在亚洲,如今已波及许多欧洲国家,为我们敲响了疫情广泛流行的警钟。 |
Rev Tong evangelized in 9 cities, altogether 10 rallies during Christmas in Dec 2004.
2004年12月圣诞节期间,唐牧师在9个城市有10场布道会。 |