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One hundred and two women in cesarean section and women in vaginal delivery were evaluated at the pre and post partus by using the symptom check list 90(SCL-90).

spinose processus (.%); 棘状突起(.%);
A Survey of Stanley Fish's Reader-Response Literary Theory and Criticism 从读者经验到阐释社会——斯坦利·费什的读者反应批评理论评介
《Wozzeck》 is the first opera written by Alban Berg with the technique of Atonality; the script is adapted from the German realism pioneer Georg Buchner' s drama of the same title. 《沃采克》是阿尔班·贝尔格第一部用无调性技法写成的歌剧,脚本改编自德国现实主义戏剧先驱毕希纳的同名戏剧。
Ninety eight patients with SP were randomly assigned to three groups : treated group(Group A),thick pipe group(Group B) and thin pipe group(Group C). 98例气胸病人随机分为治疗组(A组)、粗管组(B组)、细管组(C组)。
Infection factor occupied primacy in pathogenies((.00)%),in the next place were perinatal factors(.%) and hemolysis factor(9.%). 病因以感染因素占首位(.00%),其次是围产因素(.%)及溶血因素(9.0%)。
One hundred and two women in cesarean section and women in vaginal delivery were evaluated at the pre and post partus by using the symptom check list 90(SCL-90). 我们应用症状自评量表(SCL—90)随机观察了例妇女(剖宫产组0例,阴道分娩组例)分娩前后的心理状态。
SO_ Removal from Waste Gases in a Tricklebed Reactor 滴流床反应器中SO_的脱除
MethodsGlycerin preserved human amniotic membrane transplantation was performed for vascular leukoma in 0 rabbits (0 eyes) with severe keratoconjunctival alkali burns. 方法采用甘油保存的人羊膜移植术治疗兔重度角结膜碱烧伤后遗血管性角膜白斑0例(0眼)。
the distance between capitulum of malleus and tegmen tympani was .±0.87 mm. 锤骨头至鼓室天盖距离(.±0.87)mm;
the tegmen thickness in most distal point of labyrinthine segment was .8±0. mm. 迷路段的天盖厚度(.8±0.)mm;
After 7 days,all the indexes except CP tented to return to normal value. 伤后7天,除CP外,其余指标趋于正常;

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