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So when Amy falls asleep at night, they come out of the book to play.

So what? What's it to you if I end up with a bullet in the head? 所以呢?如果我用子弹射穿了脑门,你会怎么样呢?
So whatever happens to us is from God. 无论我们发生了什么事都是从神那儿来的。
So whatever the cries of distress from the displaced, however strident the warnings of environmentalists, no matter how sceptical the economists, the fact is that the dam has been built. 所以,不论那些无家可归的痛哭声有多凄厉,环保人士的警告有多尖锐,经济专家的质疑有多严肃,大坝已经建成了。
So when Abner returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside into the middle of the gate to speak with him privately, and there he struck him in the belly so that he died on account of the blood of Asahel his brother. 撒下3:27押尼珥回到希伯仑、约押领他到城门的瓮洞、假作要与他说机密话、就在那里刺透他的肚腹、他便死了.这是报杀他兄弟亚撒黑的仇。
So when Ahijah heard the sound of her footsteps at the door, he said, Come in, wife of Jeroboam. 6她刚进门,亚希雅听见她脚步的响声,就说,耶罗波安的妻,进来吧。
So when Amy falls asleep at night, they come out of the book to play. 如果你用功的话,就一定会像故事中的主人公那样,梦中都在记单词!
So when Brigadier-General Guy Laroche, the force's commander, said that a recently arrived contingent from Quebec was going into harm's way, he seemed to be stating the obvious. 因此当这支部队的指挥官盖伊?拉罗什准将说新来的一支魁北克部队将遇到更严峻挑战时,没有人会对此表示怀疑。
So when Comic Relief asked me to write something I thought I would just love to write them, I just thought it would be so much fun and I was completely correct. 我总是为了使小说写得更好而多写一些我不需要放在小说里的东西,所以那里面有很多东西都是我为了消遣而写的。
So when David had put the battle in array against the Syrians, they fought with him. 大卫摆好阵迎战亚兰人,亚兰人就与他交战。
So when David had put the battle in array against the Syrians, they fought with him. 大卫既摆阵攻击亚兰人,亚兰人就与他打仗。
So when George Bush redirected America's space agency, NASA, away from scientific research and towards a manned return to the moon in 2004, many scientists were disappointed. 因此,当乔治布什在2004年把美国国家航空航天局的方向从科学研究转为载人返月时,许多科学家都失望了。

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