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Research Summary on DNA Recombination Technology

Study on Biodiversity in Huliu River Wetlands Nature Reserve,Shanxi 壶流河湿地自然保护区生物多样性研究
Effects of Eichhornia crassipes allelochemicals on the growth of two mono-and co-cultured algae Microcystis aeruginosa and Scenedesmus obliquus 凤眼莲化感物质对铜绿微囊藻、斜生栅藻生长及细胞数相对比例的影响
Relational analysis of leaf characteristics and photosynthetic capacities of plants 植物叶片特征与光合性能的关系
The regulatory mechanisms of the wing-polymorphism in Gryllus firmus 沙蟋翅多型性的调控机理
Research Progress on the Physiological Response of Plants to Drought Stress 植物对干旱胁迫生理反应的研究进展
Research Summary on DNA Recombination Technology DNA重组技术的研究综述
Ultrastructure of the compound eye in Panorpa nanwutaina 南五台蝎蛉成虫复眼的超微结构
Genetic diversity of Armillaria gallica revealed by ISSR analysis 法国蜜环菌Armillaria gallica菌株遗传多样性的ISSR分析
Estimating Total Nitrogen Content in Wetland Vegetation Based on Measured Reflectance Spectra 基于地面实测光谱的湿地植物全氮含量估算研究
Impacts of spatio-temporal changes in agricultural land on giant panda habitat:A case study in the Baicaohe watershed of the mid-Minshan Mountains 农用地时空变化对大熊猫生境的影响:以岷山中部地区的白草河流域为例
Grass endophytes and their potential applications in agriculture 禾本科植物内生真菌及其在农业上的应用潜力

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