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A very sharp sword has always been their endeavour.

A very powerful jet plane is needed to take you into the stratosphere, but you need a space ship/mental body, to travel through space. 将你带至同温层需要一架马力强劲的飞机,但要到太空去遨游,你就必须有一架航天飞机或心灵躯体。
A very promising career was cut short because she blew the whistle on unsafe practices. 因为揭露了某些不安全的工作情形,导致她丢了一份有大好前途的工作。
A very rare case of transient bilateral blindness following transurethral resection of the prostate is reported. 摘要经由尿道的摄护腺切除术而导致暂时性的失明,在眼科是甚为罕见。
A very romantic nature can establish impractical or uncertain objectives. 非常浪漫的天性可以形成不切实际或不可靠的目标。
A very severe explosion can damage the crankcase door and cause fire in the engine room. 非常剧烈的爆炸会损坏曲拐箱道门并引起机仓着火。
A very sharp sword has always been their endeavour. 他们竭力打造锋利的刀剑。
A very simple 1st person shooter game, where you throw tomatoes at unwary pedestrians. A very simple game, took a few hours. 一个非常简单的第一人称射击游戏,你在步行街上投掷西红柿。一个非常简单的游戏,花了几个小时。
A very simple sketch that I think uses the Watercolor tool quite effectively. My May B submission for the Manga Art Exchange. 一个使用水彩特效的简单草稿。2003年五月下旬同人画家交换作品展览图。
A very small fraction of the Sun's light and heat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space, it hits the Earth. 在此阶段,能量到达我们所称的太阳表层,并且离散到空间而不再被太阳原子所吸收。
A very small group of brain cells (perhaps totaling just 100,000 in humans) at the base of the forebrain is maximally active only during non-REM sleep. 前脑底部有一群数量非常少的细胞(人类或许只有10万个这种细胞),只有在非REM睡眠时期才会表现出最大的活性。
A very small quantity, especially of food; a morsel. 非常小的量,尤指食物而言;一小片

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