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Mother sheep and the little sheep ran to the riverside crazily. They found the wolf was sleeping.

Mother said, “John, you're talking through your hat. You're crazy! 母亲说,“约翰,你胡说。你疯了!”
Mother says she is aching all over with fatigue. 母亲说她累得浑身感到疼痛。
Mother says that I can have a birthday party at home. 妈妈说我可以在家里开个生日聚会.
Mother set the ashtray down on the table saying, 母亲把烟灰缸放在桌子上,说:
Mother set the pace so that her children would keep up with her. 妈妈定了速度好让她的孩子们能够跟上她。
Mother sheep and the little sheep ran to the riverside crazily. They found the wolf was sleeping. 山羊妈妈和小山羊发疯似地向河边跑去,发现狼正在河边睡觉。
Mother sheep was quite right. Look, the wolf was behind the bush. 山羊妈妈说的还真对。你看,狼来了,他就藏在灌木丛后面。
Mother should I build the wall? 妈妈,我应该筑起这道墙吗?
Mother should I run for president? 妈妈,我应该支持总统吗?
Mother sided with David against Father in the argument. 母亲在争论中站在大卫一边反对父亲。
Mother slipped into the room of her child and tucked him up. 妈妈悄悄进了孩子的房间给他掖好被子。

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