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Earnings in the first quarter of 2007 increased year-over-year due to lower crude oil processing costs.

Earning my wings was the culmination of a childhood dream that I had set for myself after my first plane ride at the age of five. 我也和他们一样,深深地迷恋上了飞机和冒险,以及给予他人帮助。
Earning points in the clubhouse for his grit, Damon avoided the disabled list, working through a broken sesamoid bone in his right foot that caused lower back and leg problems. 大门以他的胆识在球队赢得地位,纵使他的右脚软骨破裂,造成下背部和腿都有问题,他仍然没有进到伤兵名单。
Earning the organic label requires controlled conditions. The question is whether fish that swim wild and free -- like Alaskan salmon -- could meet the proposed requirements. 要想获得有机标签,则要求能够控制其生长情况。但是问题是,那些野生自由生长的鱼如阿拉斯加鲑鱼,是否能够符合这些要求呢?
Earning top scores on four of the six apparatus, the Chinese team underlined their dominance with a final total of 281.900, a convincing 4.875 points ahead of silver medallists Japan. 中国队在六个器械项目的四项中得分最高,最终以总分281.9分的绝对优势夺得冠军,高出亚军日本队4.875分。
Earnings determine standard of living. 所得决定生活水准.
Earnings in the first quarter of 2007 increased year-over-year due to lower crude oil processing costs. 由于节省了原油处理费用,2007年第一季度收益同比实现增长。
Earnings per share were 3.3 HK cents for the third quarter, up from 2.1 HK cents in the previous period. 第二季每股盈利为三点三仙港元,上一季为二点一仙港元。
Earnshaw carved bountiful platefuls, and the mistress made them merry with lively talk. “没心肝的孩子”我想,“她怎么能这样放着她老朋友的麻烦不管?
Earnshaw expected him by supper-time on the third evening, and she put the meal off hour after hour; there were no signs of his coming, however, and at last the children got tired of running down to the gate to look. 天黒了,她本该让他们上床,但是他们苦苦哀求不睡,终于在十一点的时候,门锁被轻轻的推开,主人走了进来。
Earnshaw snatched up the culprit directly and conveyed him to his chamber; where, doubtless, he administered a rough remedy to cool the fit of passion, for he appeared red and breathless. 显然,他执行了粗暴的管教以平息怒气,以为他出来的时候脸色很红,而且呼吸急促。
Earphone lift function.Lonvenient to listen and dialogue. 耳机提机功能,方便接听与通话。

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