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A friend loves at all times.

A friend is like a rainbow.They brighten your life when you've been through a storm.Your friendship means the whole whole world to me! 一个朋友就像一抹彩虹。当你经历风暴的时候他们点亮您的生活,对于我来说,您的友谊就是我的整个世界。
A friend is one who you think of when you are at a loss. 朋友,就是你茫然时候想到的那个人.
A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else. 朋友就是在你愚弄他人的时候也能理解你的哀与乐的人。
A friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart. 一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心.
A friend is, as it were, a second self. 可以说,朋友是另一个自我。
A friend loves at all times. 朋友爱心无时不在。
A friend of Clara Barton , founder of the American Red Cross, asked her about a particular traumatic event in her life. Miss Barton seemed perplexed. 美国红十字会的创始人克拉拉?巴顿的一个朋友问其她生活中一次特别痛苦的经历。巴顿小姐显得有点茫然。
A friend of hers gave the bride-to-be some condoms as a gag gift. (她的一位朋友给准新娘一些避孕套,作为恶作剧的礼物。)
A friend of hers has gone to London. 她的一位朋友去了伦敦。
A friend of his happened to be sitting in a railroad-coach next to a young man who was obviously depressed. 他的一个朋友碰巧在火车车厢里坐在一个无精打采的年轻人的身边。
A friend of his, a repairman who knew the condition of the car, kept urging him to trade his old car for a new model. 他的一个朋友,一个了解这辆汽车情况的修理工,劝他把那辆旧车作价再补些钱买辆新型的。

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