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A small animal that helps the police get hold of thieves.

A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms. 稍作些调节就会使两间房内的温度相等。
A small alteration, adjustment, or limitation. 更改小小的改变,调正或限制
A small amount; a jot. 少量,少许,一点点
A small and crowded office at the end of a shabby corridor on this level. 位于这层楼上一条破烂的走廊尽头,一间窄小拥挤的办公室里。
A small angular cavity or pit, such as a honeycomb cell. 小窝,蜂巢小窝或小泡,如蜂房的巢室
A small animal that helps the police get hold of thieves. 一种能帮助警察捉贼的动物。
A small application for rendering and printing image files with added frames and titles. The rendering is performed in high quality, ideal for publishing of photographic work. 表现与印制图片的小应用程式,加上框架与标题的描述,是摄影工作者理想的出版工具。
A small appreciation would probably worsen China's monetary predicament by increasing the size of capital inflows, as investors bet on more appreciation down the road. 小幅度增值引起的资本流入增加可能会恶化中国的货币困境,因为投资者们都在赌接下来的更大的增值。
A small area distinguishable from the surrounding tissue. 斑疹与周围组织有区别的小块区域
A small band of dedicated people are doing their best to stop Cornish from becoming a dead language. 少数有献身精神的人正在尽最大的努力使凯尔特语免于绝传。
A small black horse had the inside track at the start of the race. 比赛开始时,一匹小黑马领先跑内圈。

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