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The same global market turmoil that has taken an August increase off the table -- Credit Suisse Group calculations based on interest payments showed an 8 percent probability today -- reinforces Fukui's point that Japan's abnormally low rates encourage uns

The same ethic is applicable to cultural artifacts found on public land. 同样的道德原则适用于在公共场所发现的文化遗产。
The same fogs that have caused shipwrecks for centuries, giving a section of the Namibian shoreline the name of Skeleton Coast, have shaped insect morphology and behavior. 几世纪以来,纳米比亚海岸的浓雾经常酿成船难,使某段海岸线有「骷髅海岸」之称;不过大雾也造就出甲虫特有的行为。
The same fundamental experiences were occurring in Germany as in America where a sport was being taught and through this sport social interaction and rules of fair play, skills, and community price were developed. 还有一个发生在德国和美国相同的基本经验是:当一种运动被谈及,而且社会的影响力和公平的比赛规则、技巧贯穿其中时,那么公社的价值也随之发展了。
The same genes that give sharks their sixth sense and allow them to detect electrical signals are also responsible for the development of head and facial features in humans, a new study suggests. 美国科学家的一项最新研究显示,使鲨鱼具有第六感并让它们能够检测电流信号的基因对人类头部和面部特征的发育也起着重要作用。
The same gesture means moneyto the Japanese, zeroto the French and a vulgarity to Brazilians. 同样的手势对日本人是「钱」的意思,对法国人是「零」的意思,对巴西人是极低俗的手势。
The same global market turmoil that has taken an August increase off the table -- Credit Suisse Group calculations based on interest payments showed an 8 percent probability today -- reinforces Fukui's point that Japan's abnormally low rates encourage uns 同样全球金融市场上的骚乱,瑞士信贷集团预测借日本不正常的低利率加重了投资的风险,风险增加了8%???
The same goes for basic tops. 对于普通上衣亦是如此。
The same goes for communications savvy, computer know-how, writing proficiency, sales knack and event planning. 是否懂得如何与他人沟通、电脑知识、写作能力、销售技巧以及活动策划能力也是一样的。
The same goes for fear spam. 同样的情况还出现在恐惧法术里。
The same goes for packages of lip balm and foot powder, which are often more exciting than Tootsie Rolls and Cheetos. 能受到同样礼遇的还有润唇膏和足粉,其受欢迎程度甚至超过了蛋卷和奇多脆。
The same green-brick houses with gigantic black roofs and the boulevard formed by Chinese parasol trees taller than the buildings, together with the peculiar temperaments of simplicity and steadfastness for that part of residents here, who are middle–aged 那些风格类似的绿墙黛瓦的房屋以及两旁尽是高大梧桐树的大道,还有此处年长居民雍容恬然的气度,为这片本来黯淡陈旧的居住增添了独特的情调。

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