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Methods Of 14 normal male Japanese white rabbits (aged approximately 4 months), 7 (randomly chosen) were subjected to vasal ligation near the cauda epididymidis after exposure of the testis and vas deferens via a scrotal incision, and the other 7 subjecte

Methods Literature of bioengineering technology with the use of SCF were summerized. 方法检索归纳近年来国内外超临界技术与生物工程技术结合应用的29篇相关文献资料。
Methods MEAW technic was used to openbite malocclusion. 方法采用多曲方丝弓技术矫治开(牙合)畸形。
Methods Manner plate assay, contact hemolysis and supernatant assay were used. 方法平板检测法,接触溶血法,上清检测法。
Methods Microscopical observation and immunohistochemical study. 方法:光镜观察及免疫组化染色。
Methods Non-parameter kernel density estimation method was adopted. 方法采用非参数核密度估计推断方法。
Methods Of 14 normal male Japanese white rabbits (aged approximately 4 months), 7 (randomly chosen) were subjected to vasal ligation near the cauda epididymidis after exposure of the testis and vas deferens via a scrotal incision, and the other 7 subjecte 方法正常雄性日本大耳白兔14只(约4月龄),7只(随机选择)经阴囊切口暴露睾丸和输精管后靠近附睾尾进行输精管结扎,另7只从耻骨联合上方的腹正中线上作一小切口,暴露腹股沟管内的输精管后进行输精管结扎。
Methods One side of sciatic nerve of 60 SD rats was treated by small gaps briding (experimental group), another side was treated by epineurial suture (control group). 方法:通过动物实验,对60只SD大鼠的一侧坐骨神经采用小间隙静脉桥接法吻合(实验组),另一侧用采用神经外膜吻合(对照组),观察神经修复效果。
Methods Optimize the routes by using the genetic algorithm (GA) whose crossover operator is improved. 方法利用遗传算法进行优化,对遗传算法的交叉操作进行改进。
Methods Origins, courses, branches, distribution and the anastomosis of the posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve and its nutrient vessels were studied on 24 upper extremities and 5 fresh cadavers using gross anatomical method. 方法使用24侧上肢标本和5具新鲜整尸标本,通过大体解剖、铸型和动脉造影等方法,研究前臂后皮神经及其营养血管的起始、走行、分支、分布及彼此间的吻合规律。
Methods Performing fresh human amniotic membrane transplantation of 106 patients (126 eyes) with ocular thermal burning by iron water at early stage. 方法采用新鲜人羊膜移植治疗早期眼部铁水烧伤106例(126眼)。
Methods Pinocembrin and its derivatives were synthesized with 2,4,6-trihydroxy-phenylethanone as the starting material via four steps including protection of the hydroxy-group, condensation, cyclization and deprotection. 方法以2,4,6-三羟基苯乙酮为起始原料,经羟基保护、缩合、环化、脱保护合成目标化合物。

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