Dr. No: East, west, just points of the compass, each as stupid as the other. I'm a member of SPECTRE.
努博士:东方,西方,只是指南针的两端,两个也是像另外一个般愚蠢。我是魔鬼党的成员。 |
Dr. No: SPECTRE. Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion. The four great cornerstones of power, headed by the greatest brains in the world.
努博士:SPECTRE。反情报、恐怖主义、报复及勒索的特殊专家。四个权力的基石,由世上最伟大的头脑带领。 |
Dr. Owen Fletcher: You e a rational person. You e a trained psychiatrist. You know the difference between whats real and whats not.
你是一个理智的人。你是一个受过训练的精神病学家。你知道什么是真的而什么不是。 |
Dr. Owen Fletcher: You're a rational person. You're a trained psychiatrist. You know the difference between what's real and what's not.
你是一个理智的人。你是一个受过训练的精神病学家。你知道什么是真的而什么不是。 |
Dr. QQ: Are they in the lounge?
他们在起居室吗? |
Dr. QQ: Yiya, Benben and Jesse, where are you? It′s dinner time!
伊亚、笨笨和耶西,你们都到哪里去了。该吃饭了。 |
Dr. Robert H. Schuller, Terri A. Gibbs Dr. Robert H. Schuller shares his Pearls of Power on topics including success, commitment and fulfilling your dreams.
舒乐博士带来他的《力量的瑰宝》与大家共享,其中的描写包括成功、成诺和圆梦。 |
Dr. Roger Bannister, the first man to run a mile in less than four minutes, claims to have beaten cramp by carrying a small magnet around with him.
第一位用不到四分钟的时间跑完一英里的人-罗杰班尼斯特博士,自称随身携带一小块磁石来对付肌肉痉挛。 |
Dr. Sartorius: Man was created by Nature in order to explore it. As he approaches Truth he is fated to Knowledge. All the rest is bullshit.
为了探索它,大自然创造了人类。当他接近真理的时候,他遇到了知识。剩下的就都是废话。 |
Dr. Smoot has also published a popular book on cosmology: Wrinkles in Time.
斯莫特博士出版了一本很畅销的宇宙学书籍《时间的皱纹》。 |
Dr. Solomon and colleagues at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston compared more than 25,000 Canadian adults with RA to a matched cohort without RA.
来自波士顿布里格姆妇女医院的索洛蒙博士和同事,对超过25,000的加拿大RA成年病人与同等人数的正常人进行了对比研究。 |