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Try to wear a colour that is less obtrusive.

Try to use text i tead of images to di lay important names, content, or links. The Google crawler doe 't recognize text contained in images. 尽可能使用文本,而不是图片显示重要的名称,内容和链接。GOOGLE的机器人不认识图片中的文字。
Try to use text instead of images to display important names, content, or links. The Google crawler doesnt recognize text contained in images. 尽可能使用文本,而不是图片显示重要的名称,内容和链接。GOOGLE的机器人不认识图片中的文字。
Try to use text instead of images to display important names, content, or links. The Google crawler doesn't recognize text contained in images. 批注:少用“最大”,“最好”之类的形容词,用用户最关心的词,比如:下载,歌星名字,而不是一些抽象名词。
Try to use “third person” to describe the daily life of somebody. 掌握动词第三人称的用法,学会用英文表达某人一天的生活。
Try to wake up before dawn. 试着黎明前醒来。
Try to wear a colour that is less obtrusive. 尽量穿得颜色别太显眼.
Try to wear light colors to reflect the sun's rays. Dark clothing absorbs the sun's rays and get quite hot. 试着穿浅色衣服,这样可以反射太阳光线.深色衣服会吸收太阳光线,升温很快.
Try to write a few sentences about your day and then blurt them out as many times as possible before you go to sleep. 写几个句子描述一下你的一天,然后在睡觉前尽可能多地大声操练。
Try trading one of these unforgeable plates and a reflector to a Pit attendant. 试着把不能加工的底片之一和反射器一起交给竞技场的服务员.
Try using all your spare time to practice English crazily. 试把所有的零碎时间都应用于疯狂地操练英语上面。
Try using hair removal creams to remove any self-tanner streaks on the sides of your feet, palms, elbow and knees. 可以用脱毛膏除去脚、手掌、胳膊肘和膝盖上的“假晒色”。

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