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It is broken down by a reversal of the first two pathways, or by deamination to glyoxylate, followed by conversion to malic acid and further breakdown in the Krebs cycle.

It is both elegant and lovely. 体现优雅而又不失女孩气的可爱性格。
It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence: in other words it is war minus the shooting. 它和仇恨、嫉妒、自吹自擂、无视规则和看到暴行时的虐待狂兴奋感不可分离;换而言之,它是不开枪的战争。
It is bringing him, and other evangelicals, into unfamiliar political terrain. 这样,渐渐把他和其他基督教福音派的信徒带到了一个陌生的政治领域。
It is broadcast that the two armies clashed near the borderline again before dawn. 据电台广播今天凌晨在边界线附近两国军队又发生了冲突。
It is broadly consistent with his smaller study of missions to Mir, the Soviet Union's first space station. 最新的结果与其早年对前苏联第一个空间站“和平”号进行的小型研究相当一致。
It is broken down by a reversal of the first two pathways, or by deamination to glyoxylate, followed by conversion to malic acid and further breakdown in the Krebs cycle. 它可在前两种方法中被分解,或者通过脱氨作用生成乙醛酸,然后转化为苹果酸,进一步在三羧酸循环中被分解。
It is broken down by removal of the amino group to form pyruvic acid. 丝氨酸可以因为其上氨基的解离而被分解为丙酮酸。
It is budgeted at a whopping $45 billion, but history shows that schemes to build new capitals tend to overrun their budgets wildly. 预算是令人惊讶的450亿美元,但是历史表明建立新的首都的花费要远远超过预算。
It is built according to the function of the beautiful law by the author, the beautiful ideal conscientious pursuit as well as the beautiful standard positive practice, which is just the embodiment of people's essential strength target. 文章美是文章作者按照美的规律的能动建造、美的理想自觉追求、美的标准的积极实践,也就是人的本质力量对象化的体现。
It is built according to the solar calendar. 金字塔根据阳历建造。
It is built as an open platform for scientific research on groundwater circulation at different scale, resource and environment effects, water-salt flux variation at interface and effects on the global climate induced by human activities, assessments of r 发挥我所尖端科研资源优势,建设开放式创新研究平台,主要支持开展不同时空尺度地下水循环演化过程、资源与环境效应及其动力学,层圈间不同界面水盐通量变化及其对全球气候变化和人类活动影响的响应机制,区域含水层系统探测技术与评价理论,地下水演化的同位素与数值模拟、预测技术等研究。

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