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A new model of the way the Earth interacts with the solar wind indicates that a replacement field will form in the upper atmosphere during the switch.

A new method was built to determine the POV of powdered oils by broking the wall with ultrasonic and then extracting the oil to determine the POV. 摘要建立了一种简单、重复性好的超声波破壁提油测定粉末油脂中油脂过氧化值的新方法。
A new method was introduced for testing the fuel injection law of diesel engine via neural network on the basis of the calculation of the pressure waves measured by a sensor clamped on the high-pressure tube of a diesel engine. 对用外卡式压力传感器测量的柴油机高压油管压力波计算喷油规律的方法进行分析,提出了利用人工神经网络检测柴油机喷油规律的方法。
A new method which carried out the self-assembly of drug-loading nanoparticles and stent by comprehensively applying the micro-forces such as dielectrophoretic force, capillary force, and hydrophobic force is put forward, and the self-assembly process sch 同时提出综合应用介电泳动、毛细作用和组件的疏水性等微观作用力,实现载药纳米颗粒与血管支架自组装的方法,并给出了自组装的实现工艺图。
A new minister has been appointed to watch over the welfare of disabled people. 任命一名新部长负责残疾人的福利。
A new model for spectral prediction of halftone prints based on the spectral Neugebauer equation and the Clapper-Yule model is develeped. 摘要在分析纽伦堡和克拉普光谱预测模型的基础上,提出了一种新的网目印刷光谱预测模型。
A new model of the way the Earth interacts with the solar wind indicates that a replacement field will form in the upper atmosphere during the switch. 地球与太阳风互相影响该情形的新模型显示位移区将会在转换期间上面的大气中形成。
A new model to join the acclaimed Pandora series of versatile, pocket-sized units: the dual-purpose PX4D for guitar and bass. 一个新的模式来参加赞誉潘多拉系列多才多艺,袖珍个股:两用px4d为吉他和低音.
A new multidimensional distance vector (MDV) is defined based on corners of airplane outline, each airplane has its MDV different from others. 根据飞机形状角点之间的距离,定义了一种新的多维距离特征向量,不同飞机具有不同的多维距离向量。
A new name was created based on the two primary ingredients, and Coca-Cola was born. 根据这两种主要的成分,一个新名字被创造出来,可口可乐也因此诞生。
A new network vulnerability analysis model is given by use of layered analysis in this paper. 摘要在被动网络节点脆弱性分析方法的基础上提出了一种新的基于主动攻击的网络脆弱性分析模型。
A new newspaper will be published next week. 下星期将出版一种新的报纸。

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