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AWACS Thunderhead Data link to A-Sat Targeting System...What is this?

AW: I think that the most challenging parts of Monaco are next to the circuit and not on the circuit. 亚历山大-伍尔兹:我认为摩纳哥最富挑战性的部分是紧挨着赛道,而不是在赛道上。
AW: Well, it was not that I was not racing. 亚历山大-伍尔兹:是的,我不是没有比赛过。
AWACS Oka Nieba: SOLG warhead accelerator destroyed! 空中管制机:“SOLG的弹头加速器被摧毁了!”
AWACS Oka Nieba: The SOLG has fallen to an altitude low enough fou you to attack. I know you can do this. Destroy it! 空中管制机:“SOLG已经降落到能让你们攻击的高度了。我知道你们能行。干掉它!”
AWACS Oka Nieba: The SOLG will descend to a vulnerable altitude in 5 minutes. 空中管制机:“SOLG将在5分钟之内降到攻击高度。”
AWACS Thunderhead Data link to A-Sat Targeting System...What is this? “把数据转接至卫星照射系统……”这是甚么??
AWACS Thunderhead Arkbird, we'll send the data over as soon as we detect the missile. We're counting on you. 我们一探测到导弹的发射,就立刻传送数据给你们。就靠你们了。
AWACS Thunderhead Cut the chatter. First enemy wave, bearing 280 degrees. You are cleared to engage on sight. 少跟我贫嘴。敌人第一波,雷达方位280。准备交战。
AWACS Thunderhead Enemy assault ships are launching attack helicopters. Shoot them down before they reach Sand Island. 敌均强袭登陆舰投放直升机了。在它们到达沙鸟前击落它们。
AWACS Thunderhead Enemy ships are firing towards Sand Island. Stop them. 敌舰向沙鸟射击。阻止他们。
AWACS Thunderhead Get above 5,000 feet and stand by! 全机飞至5000英尺以上高空,待命!

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