Why do they bail? And why did I just take out the fastest ship?
他们为什么弃船?我为什么先打最快的船? |
Why do they care? Competition for grants has gotten so fierce that scientists have sought popular renown to gain an edge over their rivals.
他们为什么喜欢这样做呢?(科研)获得批准的的竞争如此激烈,以至于科学家们想通过提高知名度来比他们的对手更胜一筹。 |
Why do they just sit there waiting for the three-run homer?
为什麽他们坐著等待3分全垒打呢? |
Why do they make soldiers out of us when we're fighting up to the hilt as it is?
为什么在我们倾全力抗争的时候还让我们当兵呢? |
Why do they scoff at the idea that he will retire next year?
他们为什麽嘲笑他将在明年退休的想法? |
Why do they soar when others sink?
为什么他们一飞冲天,而其他人都深陷泥沼? |
Why do they sterilize a needle before lethal injection?
在进行安乐死注射前,为什么还要对针进行消毒呢? |
Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injectio ?
在用注射毒剂的方式执行死刑时,为什么还要消毒针头? |
Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
在用注射毒剂的方式执行死刑时,为什么还要消毒针头? |
Why do they want odd jobs - jobs usually requiring little skill and knowledge?
为什么他们会干这种一般没有什么技术和知识的零工呢? |
Why do think Gago hasn't truly made it at Real Madrid yet?
问:为什么你认为加戈还没有在皇马取得真正的成功? |