Since this perpetrator enjoys letting? his victims know what he is doing to them, he never keep his businesssecret to himself.
自从这罪犯享受着让他的受害者知道他正对他们做什么,他从没对自己保守过他的“业务”的秘密。 |
Since this reference book is not available in the library, you 'd better/may as well/might as well get one copy in the book-store.
在图书馆借不到这本参考书,你索性/干脆/最好/不妨到书店买一本吧。 |
Since this technology has been popularly applied in foreign countries, we put forward some suggestions for making good use of this technology in China.
该技术在国外己得到广泛应用,本文针对中国大陆的情况给出了一些建议。 |
Since this technology is used in Dagang oilfield for about two years, it has become mature and developed into many kinds.
高孔密射孔技术在大港油田推广应用2年来,已经逐步成熟并形成系列,而且实际应用效果十分理想。 |
Since this year, a batch of corrupted officials of provincial and ministerial levels has been sentenced or disciplined, including Li Jiating, Liu Fangren and Cheng Weigao, showing the Party's determination to fight corruption.
2003年,先后有田凤岐、李嘉廷、刘方仁、程维高、田凤山、王怀忠等一批省部级高官被判刑或查处,反腐败斗争取得显著成效。 |
Since those days were, when one came to an heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the pressfat for to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty.
该2:16在那一切日子、有人来到榖堆、想得二十斗、只得了十斗.有人来到酒池、想得五十桶、只得了二十桶。 |
Since those early days I've added the notion of role stereotypes, 2 acknowledg-ing that not all objects are active.
自从那些早些的日子我添加了角色构造型的概念,知道不是所有的对象都是有效的。 |
Since through transport involves at least two different stages of transport, it is often disputable which carrier shall be liable for cargo damage or delay in transit, and which law shall be applied for determining the carrier's liability, especially when
由于其涉及二个以上之运送阶段,每当发生货损,对于应由那一阶段之运送人负赔偿责任,或运送人应依那一阶段之管辖法律负责,常生争议及困扰。 |
Since time began it has never been heard that anyone opened the eyes of one born blind.
32自古以来,未曾听过有人把生来瞎眼者的眼睛开了。 |
Since time immemorial, methane and oil have seeped from beds buried beneath the ocean sediment off the California coast.
自从远古时代开始,甲烷和石油便开始从海底向外渗出。 |
Since time immemorial, warring nations had no compunctions in plundering their enemy's national treasures and other symbols of wealth, both as war booty and to demonstrate their power over the defeated.
自古以来,在战争中获胜的国家总会肆无忌惮地掠夺战败国的国宝和其他财富的象征。掠夺的财物是应得的战利品,掠夺的行为则是胜者为王的表现。 |