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Meanwhile patients need to realize that persistent pain should not be borne stoically; it requires aggressive treatment to prevent further sensitization.

Meanwhile number four, Temptation, was published in 2004. 同时,第四部小说《诱惑》已于2004年出版。
Meanwhile organic chemist Martin Saunders and his colleagues at Yale University and geochemist Robert Poreda of the University of Rochester were discovering a way to resolve this question. 这时,美国耶鲁大学的有机化学家桑德兹与罗彻斯特大学的地球化学家波里达发现一个办法可以解决这个问题。
Meanwhile other fishermen, gathered about the skiff, marveled at the giant marlin, eighteen feet long from nose to tail. 这个时候,一些渔民聚在那只小船的周围,对这条从头到尾长有十八英尺的大马林鱼啧啧称奇。
Meanwhile other researchers were unraveling the virus's molecular structure. 在此同时,其他研究人员正逐渐解开轮状病毒的分子结构。
Meanwhile owing to lack of environment of scientific research at that time, the western science and technology lost the magic power that they should have in transmission procedure, which led to the China's science and technology were underdeveloped in lat 同时,由于当时缺乏科学研究的社会环境和机制,使西方科学技术在中国传播的过程中失去了自身的完整性,并最终导致中国近代科学技术的落后。
Meanwhile patients need to realize that persistent pain should not be borne stoically; it requires aggressive treatment to prevent further sensitization. 另外,病人也必须体认,对于持续的疼痛,不应该强迫自己忍受,而需要积极的治疗,以免进一步造成敏感化。
Meanwhile physiologists and biochemists were finding that glia had receptors for many of the same neurotransmitters neurons use for synaptic communication, as well as most of the ion channels that enable neurons to fire action potentials. 同时,生理学家与生化学家也发现,神经胶细胞有受体,可以接受神经元用以做突触沟通的许多神经传递物,它们也同样有大多数神经元用来产生动作电位的离子通道。
Meanwhile researchers at the University of Michigan discovered that after losing a simple wager, volunteers were more likely to place larger, riskier bets if prompted to make another wager within a few seconds. 同时,密西根大学的研究人员发现,受试者在输掉一次简单的赌注之后,如果几秒钟内又得到再次下注的机会,他们通常会下更大、风险更高的赌注。
Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. 同时,吸烟很浪费金钱。
Meanwhile teaching quality monitoring is not only restricted to a certain part of teaching process, but to the overall aspects of classroom teaching, examination, and clinical teaching as well. 同时针对教学质量的监控不仅仅限于教学过程的某一环节,而是对课堂教学质量、考试环节、临床教学等关键环节进行全方位的监控。
Meanwhile the British fought psychological warfare against the Argentine soldiers. 同时,英国人向阿士兵展开心理战。

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