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The map covers cM with an average genetic distance of .9 cM.

The malignant degree of case was high. 7 cases were medium and cases wase minuet. 恶性程度高度例,中度7例,低度 例;
The man-machine ergonomics problems of aviator's night vision goggles (NVGs)-a review 航空夜视镜人机工效学问题研究进展
The maniac s sense of self-guilt had great significance in building the new culture, but paid a lot at the same time. “狂人”的自我罪感在建设新文化中具有重大的意义 ,但同时也付出了代价。
The manipulation of methylene blue two-phase back titration process for determining the content of anionic surface active agent existing in javelle water was introduced, as well as its determination result. 叙述了采用亚甲基蓝—两相返滴定法测定次氯酸钠消毒液中阴离子表面活性剂的具体操作和结果。
The mannite content of nature Cordyceps sinensis was . %. The mannite content of UV mutation was .97%. The mannite content of NTG mutation was .8%. 天然冬虫夏草的虫草酸含量为. %,紫外诱变后含虫草酸.97%,NTG诱变后含虫草酸.8%;
The map covers cM with an average genetic distance of .9 cM. 该图谱覆盖基因组长度cM,平均图距.9cM。
The market research and analysis for locker room in clothing marketing 服装销售中试衣间的市场调查和分析
The marketable yield of Russet Burbank,Kennebec and Shepody increased rapidly during -0 d and 77-9 d. -9 d . and 9-9 d. Russet Burbank在出苗后~0d和77-9d、Kennebec在~9d、Shepody在9~9d商品薯产量增长迅速,应在各品种相应的时期给予最适宜的水肥,确保各品种商品薯产量潜力得到最大发挥。
The maxillary palpus of mouthparts appendages owned eight sensilla basiconica chemoreceptors array ---,and its strumae owning one lateral sensilla styloconicum,one medial sensilla styloconicum and one sensilla basiconica. 口器附肢下颚须上有8个丹锥感受器,排列为 ---; 下颚须瘤状体上各有一个侧栓锥和中栓锥感受器,另有一个较小的丹锥感受器;
The maximum of the Radon concentration inexhaled breath and ~ Ra body burden for miners was . Bq·m~(- ) and . kBq,respectively. 铀矿工呼出气中氡浓度和体内~ Ra 的负荷量的最大值分别为. Bq·m~(- )和. kBq。
The maximum specific growth rate of these two strains cultivated shakily under conditions of illuminance 000lx, 0℃ and light/no light : were 0.79d- and 0.7d-, and their maximum extant amount were 9.mg/L and .mg/L, respectively. 在照度000lx、温度 0℃、光暗比条件下振荡培养,单藻株和无菌株的最大比增长率分别为0.79d-和0.7d-; 最大现存量分别为9.mg/L和.mg/L.

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