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Add the warm gelatine mixture into the cream and beat until the stiff peak forms.

Add the solution to a metal pan of cool water. 再将混合的液体盛入装有冷水的金属锅中。
Add the tamarind water, sugar, prawns, fish ball and fish sauce. Turn down the heat and simmer. 放入罗望子汁、糖、大虾、鱼蛋和鱼露,转小火焖煮。
Add the threat of terrorism (and heightened security checks to prevent it), and the poorly oiled machine grinds almost to a halt. 再加上恐怖主义的威胁(和为防范而加强的安检),这架破旧的机器(希思罗机场)已是吱吱作响,几乎停摆。
Add the vanilla essence to the mixture and begin stirring until smooth. Pour the mixture into a large bowl and chill until it begins to thicken. 将香草精加入锅中,搅拌至均匀为止。将混合物倒入一个大碗中待凉,直变得得越来越稠。
Add the vanilla extract and beat until combined. 加入香草精搅打至所有材料完全均匀。
Add the warm gelatine mixture into the cream and beat until the stiff peak forms. 将吉利液加入,然后搅拌干硬性发泡。
Add them to the open list, too. 也把它们添加到开放列表。
Add these mixed signals on growth to the uncertainties about inflation and the chances are that the Fed will simply do nothing for a good while yet. 纵观这些混合信号和之前对通胀的不确定性,美联储有可能在很长一段时间内都不会做任何变动。
Add these twists and turns to your toolbox and apply them to your next trade. 将这些价格扭曲和反转放在你的工具箱中,并在下次趋势中使用他们。
Add this class to your project to give you the ability to convert between Hex, Dec and Binary numbers in any way you please. Sample code is provided. 在你的类中增加这个类可以让你在十六进制、十进制和二进制数据之间任意转换。提供了简单的代码。
Add this control to your form and set the max and min properties. 在你的窗体上增加这个控件,并设置它的最大和最小属性。

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