Rule #28: People who monitor work and donot help get it done never seem to know exactly what is going on (being involved is the key to excellence).
那些监督者和对完成工作没有任何帮助的人永远也不会知道现在发生了什么(只有参与进来才是最好的)。 |
Rule #2: A project manager must know what motivates the project contractors (i.e., their award system, their fiscal system, their policies, and their company culture).
项目承包商的激励因素是什么(例如,他们的奖励系统、财政系统、相关政策和公司文化)。 |
Rule #30: It is mainly the incompetent that donot like to show off their work.
那些不愿意展示自己工作的人大部分都是不称职的人。 |
Rule #34: NASA has established a set of reviewers and a set of reviews.
NASA已经建立了一整套的考评与考评人制度。 |
Rule #36: Hide nothing from the reviewers. Their reputation and yours is on the line. Expose all the warts and pimples. Donot offer excuses-just state facts.
不要在考评者面前隐藏什么。他们的名誉和你的名誉息息相关。暴露所有的缺点和不足。不要找借口,陈述事实就可以了。 |
Rule #38: Never undercut your staff in public (i.e., In public meetings, donot reverse decisions on work that you have given them to do).
不要在公开场合让你的下属感到受到戏弄(比如,在公开会议上,颠倒已经做出的工作决定)。 |
Rule #39: Reviews are for the reviewed and not the reviewer. The review is a failure if the reviewed learn nothing from it.
考评是被考评者的考评而不是考评者的考评。如果被考评者不能从中学到任何东西那考评就是失败的考评。 |
Rule #47 - If two rival crashers pick the same girl, the crasher with the least seniority will respectfully yield.
如果两个傲客要争夺一个姑娘,资历低的一定要有礼貌的相让。 |
Rule #4: Whoever you deal with, deal fairly.
公平地对待任何人。 |
Rule #52: Contractors respond well to the customer that pays attention to what they are doing but not too well to the customer that continually second-guesses their activity.
对那些关注他们在干什么的客户承包商们总是反应良好,对那些总是干预他们活动的客户,他们的反应就不是很好了。 |
Rule #53: Contractors tend to size up the government counterparts and staff their part of the project accordingly.
承包商们总是在和政府的对应部门和人员进行比较。 |