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The boy is n't tall enough to get the cup on the shelf.

The boy is fresh from school. 这男孩刚从学校毕业。
The boy is good at math. 这个男孩数学学的很好。
The boy is just learning to walk; he is always tumbling over the floor. 那个男孩正在学走路;他总是跌到在地板上。
The boy is lazybones through and through. 这个男孩是个彻头彻尾的懒虫。
The boy is more diligent than anybody else. 这孩子比任何人都勤奋。
The boy is n't tall enough to get the cup on the shelf. 字面上看,就是该小孩的身高,「还不够高到可以拿架子上的杯子」。
The boy is not allowed to have long hair in our school. 在我们学习男生是不允许留长头发的。
The boy is nothing but a rascal . 这个男孩是个小淘气。
The boy is nothing but a rascal. 这个男孩是个小淘气。
The boy is now weak, but he will be strong all in good time. 小孩现在身体较弱,但到时候他会强壮的。
The boy is one meter tall in his stocking feet. 这个小男孩不穿鞋的身高是一米。

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