Today murderciders appear in posters like star athletes.
今天,谋杀式自杀者就像体育明星一样出现在海报上。 |
Today my feeling is very good .Do you want to the reason? hehe ,Listen.
今天情绪好极了。你想知道原因吗?呵呵,听我说。 |
Today my old skin has become as dust.
今天,我的老茧化为尘埃。 |
Today no such drastic deprivation exists as that ordered by Frederick.
在今天,像弗雷德里克下令严厉剥夺的现象已不复存在了。 |
Today one must push the state of the art, be within budget, take risks, not fail, and be on time.
项目经理一定要追求卓越,符合预算、敢于冒险、不能失败还要按时完成。 |
Today one-third of the people on Greenland earn their living in the fishing industry.
今天格陵兰岛上有三分之一的人在捕鱼业中谋生。 |
Today only 46% of servicemen describe themselves as Republican, compared with 60% in 2004—and only 35% of them approve of the handling of the war.
现在,仅有46%的军人自称是共和党,而2004年这一比例为60%,只有35%的人赞同战争的处理。 |
Today only permanent Greenland residents who are professional hunters are permitted to kill polar bears.
现时只有属于格陵兰永久居民的专业猎人才获准在当地猎杀北极熊。 |
Today only seven species of wild equids remain—three asses, three zebra and one wild horse—and IUCN-The World Conservation Union now lists most of these as endangered [see box on opposite page].
如今,野生的马科动物只剩七种:野驴、斑马各有三种,以及野马一种,世界保育联盟(IUCN)已将牠们列为濒临绝种的野生动物(参见右页〈现存的野生马科动物〉)。 |
Today opens, saw she has come!
今天打开,看到她来过了! |
Today our coalition is working with the Iraqi Governing Council to draft a basic law, with a bill of rights.
今天,我们的联盟正与伊拉克管理委员会共同努力,草拟包括公民基本权利法案在内的基本法律。 |