If you are adjusting to life on a single income or finding that your pension does not stretch as far as you would like, you may want to check that you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to.
如果你正在适应靠自己的薪水养活自己,或者发现你的退休金不够使你过上你想要的生活,那么你可能就想核实一下你有没有收取到你应得的好处。 |
If you are advised to evacuate, do so immediately.
如果您被劝告撤离,那么立刻执行. |
If you are afraid of English, you won't try to read English and it is a vicious cycle.
当你害怕英文时又会去逃避阅读英文,这是一个恶性循环。 |
If you are afraid of how your soon-to-be ex will handle the news, bring along a friend for support, but go in person.
如果你担心那个即将成为过去的人会采取什么行动来应对这个消息的话,那就带上一个朋友作后盾,不过还是要亲自前往。 |
If you are afraid, there is still time to pull out.
如果你害怕,现在退出还来得及。 |
If you are alone, I'll be your shadow.
如果你感到孤独,我做你的影子。 |
If you are already in Korea, what is your visa classification?
如果你现在在韩国逗留,请写出签证的种类。 |
If you are already taking physician-approved medications while pregnant, check with your doctor before taking an additional drug.
如果你已经在医生的指导下用了药,再用别的药的时候仍要咨询医生。 |
If you are always early and stay late the boss will notice and may promote you.
如果你总是早到晚走的话,老板会注意到你的,说不定还会给你升职的机会。 |
If you are ambitious, you can devise two or more pathfinding systems that are used in different situations, depending upon the length of the path.
如果你有雄心的话,可以设计两种或更多寻路系统,依赖于路径的长度而用于不同的场合。 |
If you are an Heir or Beneficiary of a Probate or Trust, Heir Advance Co. can provide you with a cash advance on your Inheritance within several days of receiving your application and paperwork.
如果你是遗嘱查验或信赖的继承人或受益人,继承人进步公司在几天内接受你的申请和文书工作能在你的遗传上提供一个现金进步给你。 |