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According to the statistic inference method the Weibull distribution is discovered to be the best one.

According to the speed control principle of the traction system of maglev train, this paper introduces the train locating system of Shanghai maglev train demonstration line and the way to determine the speed when the train runs at high or low speed. 摘要根据磁浮列车牵引系统的速度控制原理,介绍上海磁浮列车示范线的列车定位系统,以及列车在高低速运行时速度的确定等内容。
According to the spokeswoman The purpose of Lee Teng-hui's tour was to create fanfare for Taiwan Independence and sabotage Sino-Japanese relations. 发言人姜瑜表示,李登辉访日,目的在于为台独做宣传,并破坏中日关系.
According to the staff present situation of college libraries and the quality demands on subject librarian, this paper puts forward methods and mechanism of bring up a qualified subject librarian. 摘要根据高校图书馆现有人才状况和学科馆员的素质要求,提出了造就合格学科馆员的方法和机制。
According to the standard theories of physics, the antimatter universe should look identical to our own. 依照物理学的标准理论,反物质宇宙应该看起来与我们自己的宇宙相同。
According to the state's top consumer watchdog, it's time to find out how many Utah victimsare involved. 按照该州最高监察人员的说法,现在是到了统计由他州有多少受害者被卷进去的时候了。
According to the statistic inference method the Weibull distribution is discovered to be the best one. 通过统计推断和对比,找出重庆地面最低气温年极值遵循的最佳渐近分布-韦伯分布。
According to the statistical report of International Energy Association, the transportation sector is one of the major sources of CO2 emission. 根据国际能源委员会的统计资料,运输部门为各国二氧化碳排放之主要来源之。
According to the statistics ,wu bridge acrobatics has a history of more than 2000 years.The artists there are in the every corner of the world,including 50 plus countries and regions. 据史料记载,吴桥杂技距今已有2000多年的历史,吴桥杂技艺人足迹遍布世界,50多个国家和地区。
According to the statistics of traffic in 2000, this paper evaluates the social benefit of Shanghai UMT system and makes a qualitative analysis. 依据2000年交通统计资料,采用项目“有无对比法”思路,对上海市已建成轨道交通体系的社会经济效益进行了量化评估和非量化说明。
According to the statistics theory and based on the peer review data of state key laboratory for a certain subject, methods for the reviewer result of state key laboratory are put forward. 摘要根据数理统计理论,以某学科国家重点实验室现场评估结果与复评结果的数据,实证地研究了国家重点实验室复评结果以及现场评估与复评的关系等的测评方法。
According to the statistics, there are 65percent of adults used to suffer from Lumbago, and 16percent of diseases caused by Lumbago. 据统计我国有65%的成人曾患过腰痛,有16%的病休是因腰痛造成的。

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