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While Chelsea have insisted nothing sinister should be read into their owner's absence from recent matches, the mere fact his return has been discussed in advance shows its importance.

While Bryant may be the most dominant scorer in the game and clearly has the best perimeter repertoire, he can't do damage in the low post like Anthony can. 而科比可能是最具得分能力的人,他在中距离无所不能,但在内线没有安东尼那样的破坏作用。
While Canada's resource-rich economy is reaping the benefits of a global boom in demand for things like oil and zinc, the spoils are not shared evenly across the country. 目前全球对石油和锌这样的自然资源需求旺盛,加拿大矿产资源丰富的地区从中受益,但这一繁荣却不是被全国所有的人平均分享的。
While Carson didn't want a public memorial in his adopted home of Los Angeles, residents of the small Nebraska town where he grew up gathered at the high school that bears his name to pay their respects Sunday, January 30. 虽然卡森不希望在他移居的洛杉矶举办公开追悼会,但是在他成长时期所居住的内布拉斯加州小镇里,居民于一月三十号星期日聚集在以他为名的高中,向他致意。
While Cashman said Saturday that he remains connected to Clemens' agents, Alan and Randy Hendricks, to monitor the 45-year-old hurler's thought process, there is little news on that front to report. 当现金男在星期六说他与火箭人的经纪人联络,观察这位45岁投手的进度,有一些消息可供报导。
While Chamberlain Educational Services Limited (Chamberlain Educational Services Centre) and Chamberlain Overseas Consulting Limited (Guangzhou) “the Companies” have used reasonable endeavors to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, both the Co 天麟教育有限公司(天麟教育)——广州市汉邦信息咨询有限公司【“本公司”】经已采取一切合理措施,确保所提供数据之准确性,本公司及其雇员均对所有基于所提供之数据或其内容而采取的行动概不承担任何责任或法律责任。
While Chelsea have insisted nothing sinister should be read into their owner's absence from recent matches, the mere fact his return has been discussed in advance shows its importance. 尽管切尔西反复强调不要恶意揣测他们老板缺席最近几场比赛背后所谓的‘真相’,然而因为阿布回来就提前引发关注恰恰说明了其[老板在场的]重要性。
While Chelsea's rivals have spent big in the close-season, Jose Mourinho has thus far been prudent in the transfer market, largely relying on free transfers as he looks to bulk a squad that is already one of the strongest in Europe. 在切尔西的竞争对手们频出大手笔转会的时候,何塞-穆里尼奥却在转会市场上表现的很谨慎,他几乎一直以自由转会的形式来不补充着蓝军本就很强大的阵容。
While Cherie is a leading barrister with a six-figure salary, the president's wife was a shy former librarian who loves cooking. 切莉是一位月薪高达六位数的首席律师,而性格腼腆的美国总统夫人劳拉则曾是一位喜爱厨艺的图书管理员。
While China has begun to think like a big power in some respects, its foremost strategic priority has been reclaiming Taiwan, or at least preventing the island from becoming formally independent of mainland China. 尽管中国现在在某些方面以一个大国的姿态考虑问题,但是它最为优先的战略目标是收回台湾,或者至少是阻止这个岛正式独立于大陆。
While China is still a developing country of great population with backward economy, the features of duality are quite obvious. 摘要中国是一个农业人口众多、经济不发达的发展中国家,二元结构特征十分明显。
While China will account for just under 10 per cent of the 800 Phantoms Rolls-Royce expects to sell this year –its highest total in 16 years –it still trails the company's two leading markets, the US and UK. 尽管在劳斯莱斯预计今年销售的800辆“幻影”(这是16年来的最高销量)中,中国所占的比例将近10%,但中国市场仍比不上劳斯莱斯的两大主要市场:美国和英国。

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