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The concept of heaven in other religion and the concept of pure land in Buddhism is totally different.

The concept of differentiation is demonstrated by this small adenomatous polyp of the colon. 通过图示的结肠息肉状小腺瘤可以明确分化的概念。
The concept of digital library arises with the emerging of digital books, and the features and proper using of digital books are important to the research of digital library. 摘要数字图书的特色与合理使用是数字图书馆研究的一个重要方面,数字图书的版权问题也是数字图书馆发展的一个亟待解决的问题。
The concept of ellipse is extended to hyperbolic space and the equation is discussed. Some geometric data of ellipse, such as symmetries, will be considered. 摘要在双曲空间中引进相应的椭圆概念、讨论椭圆的方程,并对椭圆的对称性等几何性质做出细致考察。
The concept of energy-saving benefit of load management is proposed, and the energy-saving benefit is decomposed into generation benefit, distribution and transformation benefit, and line loss benefit, and relevant analysis methods are given. 摘要提出了负荷管理节能效益的概念,将节能效益分解为发电效益、配变电效益和线损效益,并给出相应的分析思路和分析流程。
The concept of harmony can date back to the Schools of Confucians and Daoin the traditional Chinese culture. 摘要在中国传统文化领域里,和谐理念最早可以追溯到“儒”“道”两家。
The concept of heaven in other religion and the concept of pure land in Buddhism is totally different. 其他宗教里的天堂和我们极乐世界的概念是不一样的。
The concept of human that makes sense for human rights is moral personrather than a physical person, for the essence of humanity has to be found in what human does rather than is. 权利所依赖的人的概念只能是道德人,这才能表达人性本质,因为人是做成的,并非本来就是。
The concept of intelligentsia owes its origin to Russia. 知识分子的概念起源于俄罗斯。
The concept of kingship played an important role in the ancient history of many countries. 摘要在古代各国历史中,王权观念具有特别重要的意义。
The concept of legal truth is a false one that is not tenable, and the proposition of the theory of legal truth on the standard of truth is unnecessary either. “法律真实”则是个似是而非的概念,“法律真实说”关于真实标准的主张也是多余的。
The concept of linear referencing system is applied in Shanghai GIS-Highway Infrastructure Management System (SHGIS-HIMS) to organize data and set up the datum and the network. 上海市公路设施管理地理信息系统采用了线性参照系统的概念对数据进行了组织,建立了基线网及相应的应用层。

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