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Be those your classmate?

Be this right for the subway station? 去地铁站从这儿走,对吗?
Be this the right way to denver? 这是到丹佛市的路吗?
Be this the:20 fast train from Shenyang? 这是从沈阳开来的9点20分的快车吗?
Be this ticket refundable? 这张机票可以退票吗?
Be this what you call counting your chicken before they hatch? 这就是所谓蛋未孵出先数鸡(打如意算盘)吗?
Be those your classmate? 那些是你的同班同学吗?
Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds. 23你要详细知道你羊群的景况。留心料理你的牛群。
Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: let thy glory be above all the earth. 11神阿,愿你崇高,过于诸天。愿你的荣耀,高过全地。
Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress. 3求你作我常住的磐石。你已经命定要救我。因为你是我的岩石,我的山寨。
Be timely and exact. 要做到又及时又准确。
Be to adapt to development of enterprise, the company moves on the end of 2003 till taking up new field 4 ten thousand much square metre modernization in-plant. 为适应企业的发展,公司于2003年底迁至占地4万多平方米的现代化新厂区。

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