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He knew he'd never get away with it so he decided to face the music and give himself up to the police.

He knew he had hurt her and begged her to forgive him. 他自知伤了她的心而央求她原谅.
He knew he had to face the trap on his own. 它只有独自面对这个老鼠夹了。
He knew he must do something somehow. 他知道必须设法做点什么。
He knew he was at last answering the call, running by the side of his wood brother toward the place from where the call surely came. 巴克欣喜若狂,他知道自己终于回应了那种呼唤,同森林中的兄弟一起跑向肯定是发出呼声的地方。
He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it, for fear of losing face. 他知道他错了,但是不愿意承认,怕丢面子。
He knew he'd never get away with it so he decided to face the music and give himself up to the police. 他知道自己不可能逃脱,因此决定一人做事一人当——向警察自首。
He knew his friend was uneasy about this raid and had only wanted to point out that they had very little choice but to go through with it. 他知道他的朋友很为这次突袭担忧,只差没有指出他们没有什么太多的选择,只能把它进行下去。
He knew how Amy felt about him. 他也知道艾美对自己的感觉。
He knew how much they loved Catherine. 他知道他们是多么地爱凯瑟琳。
He knew how to put his ideas across. 他知道如何把他的思想表达清楚。
He knew how to put over the ideas skilfully. 他懂得怎样巧妙地把这些意思讲清楚。

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