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Because of Eriksson's seeming reluctance to take the lead from the sidelines, he has been accused of being unable to motivate his troops - something he vehemently denies.

Because of Adam's sin, a death sentence was passed by God on Adam, Eve and all the human race. 由于亚当犯罪,神把死亡降临到亚当、夏娃和所有的人类身上。
Because of American leadership and resolve, the world is changing for the better. 由于美国的领导作用和坚定决心,世界正在向更好的方向转变。
Because of Australian quarantine restrictions, the equestrian events were held in Stockholm during June. 由于澳大利亚海关检疫的限制,骑马比赛于六月份在斯德哥尔摩举行。
Because of China's one-child policy, instituted in 1978, this is the first generation in the world's history in which a majority are single children, a group whose solipsistic tendencies have been further encouraged by a growing obsession with consumerism 1978年实施的计划生育政策,致使这一代人是中国历史上第一代独生的一代,逐渐增长的消费主义热潮如网路和视频游戏,更加鼓舞了这一代的自我倾向。
Because of DSD, it is now possible to revitalize the music world. 因为DSD,现在它可使音乐世界恢复生气。
Because of Eriksson's seeming reluctance to take the lead from the sidelines, he has been accused of being unable to motivate his troops - something he vehemently denies. 因为爱立克森在场边的不积极的领导,他被指控不能激励他的球队,这是他极力否认的。
Because of God's love and mercy ,we feel obliged to take care of these needy children – giving them accommodation ,food and education .It is our prayer that they can grow healthy physically ,emotionally and spiritually ,and that they can be useful citizen 持着上帝普世性的救恩及怜悯;透过供应住宿,食物及教育并给于关怀舆爱的照顾,帮助建立裁培孤儿及那些来自不幸家庭背景的孩童,让他们在灵性,理智及肉体上都得到平衡舆健康的成长,期望将来可以成为国家社会的栋梁和蒙上帝喜悦的器皿.
Because of His divinity, it is natural for the Lord Jesus to fill all things, to be all in all, and especially in the hearts of His Children. 因他的神性,耶稣基督很自然的充满在每样工作中,特别是在他儿女的心中。
Because of Mexican implement is the 200 marine rights of nautical mile, therefore, department Er specially this sea has become the continental sea between continent of peninsula and Mexico. 由于墨西哥实行的是200海里海洋权,因此,科尔特斯海就成了半岛和墨西哥大陆之间的内海。
Because of Mount Zion which lies desolate, Foxes prowl in it. 哀5:18锡安山荒凉、野狗〔或作狐狸〕行在其上。
Because of Mount Zion, which is desolate-Foxes rove in it. 18因为锡安山荒凉,狐狸行在其上。

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