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Germany: In Germany, people never give tulips as presents, because they think tulip is a heartless flower. Besides, do not deliver sharp-pointed things, because Germans regard them as hoodoos.

Germany's resurgence has set a challenge for the euro zone's southern members. 德国的复苏已经挑战了欧元区南部成员。
Germany's trade surplus grows again in July as exports hold near historical highs, official figures show. 德国的贸易盈馀当做在历史的高点附近的出口把握在七月再生长,官方的数据显示。
Germany's young defence will be looking to tighten up for the remainder of the competition having conceded three goals but in an exciting encounter in Frankfurt, Jürgen Klinsmann's side ran out 4-3 winners. 尽管尤尔根-克林斯曼的弟子坐阵法兰克福4-3胜出,但在激烈的遭遇战中被打入三球,德国队年轻后卫必须设法加强防守以求保住竞争激烈的替补位置。
Germany, host of this year's G8 summit, is trying to get the world to agree on what to do when the Kyoto protocol on curbing greenhouse gases runs out in 2012. 本年度G8锋会举办方德国力图使世界各国在2012年《京都议定书》失效前就削减温室气体排放达成共识。
Germany,excluding Austria,was unified as an empire,and the King of Prussia was added,as the German Emperor,to the galaxy of European Caesars. 奥地利除外的德国成为一个统一帝国,普鲁士国王作为德国皇帝加入了欧洲一大批独裁者的行列。
Germany: In Germany, people never give tulips as presents, because they think tulip is a heartless flower. Besides, do not deliver sharp-pointed things, because Germans regard them as hoodoos. 德国:在德国,送礼禁送郁金香,因为他们认为郁金香是无情之花。另外,不要送尖锐的东西,因为德国人视其为不祥之兆。
Germany\'s strong showing probably reflects a trend as well as the growth in German corporate profits despite sluggish growth in the overall economy. 德国的强劲表现可能反映了一种趋势,也反映了德国企业利润的增长,尽管德国整体经济增长疲软。
Germinates the situation through the observation sweet potato stem section long root, the turning brown rotten situation determined maintains freshness the effect to the sweet potato stem section; Judges through the sense organ quality to the fruit juice 通过观察甘薯茎段的长根发芽情况、褐变腐烂情况来确定对甘薯茎段的保鲜效果;通过感官品质来评判对果汁的保存效果。
Germs are invisible to the naked eye. 细菌用肉眼看不见。
Germs may invade the organism. 细菌会侵入有机体。
Germs spread through the air when someone coughs or sneezes. 当某些人咳嗽或者打喷嚏时,微生物通过空气来传播。

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