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He'll make her a good husband.

He'll kick himself when he finds out he could have had the job. 一旦发现他本可以得到这个工作,他会感到懊恼的。
He'll learn his lesson when he finds out no one wants to hire a high-school dropout. 当他发现没人愿意雇用一个高中辍学生时,他会学到教训的。
He'll leave for home after making and having breakfast the next day. 在一会可以看见一些农庄了,很大的房子外面很远处才围着栅栏,里面有牛在吃草。
He'll lend you the money on condition that you return it on time. 他会把钱借给你,条件是你要按时归还。
He'll lose face if he does not keep his promise. 如果他不信守诺言,他会丢人的。
He'll make her a good husband. 他会成为她的好丈夫。
He'll need some time to sober up. 他需要过一些时间才能清醒过来。
He'll need to be coddled after his illness. 他病後需要悉心照料.
He'll never learn English until the necessity arises. 直到非要用英语时他才会去学。
He'll never pay up unless you get tough with him. 你对他态度强硬,他才会还清债务。
He'll push on with his project whatever the difficulties may be. 不管有什么困难,他都要继续推行他的计划。

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