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The newspaper reports the deal also includes incentives, though the story did not specify what those were.

The newspaper quotes the director general of the administration's food production and supervision department as saying the new system will target potentially dangerous and unapproved food products. 报导援引总局食品生产监管司司长的话说,新的食品召回制度针对那些有潜在危险和未经批准的食物产品。
The newspaper reported that in Long Island 300 people turned up to watch 10 women, aged from 16 to 60-plus, walk down a catwalk, showing off their new faces and body parts. We used to sneak people in the back door with fake names,James Wells, president of 据《纽约时报》报道,300人聚集在长岛,观看了10名年龄从16到60多岁不等的女人在T形台上的表演,她们向公众展示了自己整形后的面容和身体部位。
The newspaper reporter did violence to the truth. 这个新闻记者歪曲了事实真相。
The newspaper reporter got excited at the very sight of the Nobel Prize winner. 记者们一看到诺贝尔奖获得者就感到很兴奋。
The newspaper reports of starving children appalled me. 报纸对饥饿儿童的报道使我大为震惊.
The newspaper reports the deal also includes incentives, though the story did not specify what those were. 这份报纸也报导了这份合约中也包含了激励条款,但是并没有特别说明激励条款的内容。
The newspaper revealed last week Centrelink had detected 790 instances of inappropriate staff access to customer records since 2004. 上周该报也曾披露,自从2004年以来,社会福利署也侦察到有790起非授权员工进入使用客户资料记录。
The newspaper said Graham left packages containing fake bomb components - slabs of gray plasticine, batteries, coils of wire and electrical tape - at various locations around the stadium. 这家报纸还说格拉汉姆留下了一个装有和炸弹成分很相近物体的包袱:灰色的粘土片,电池,绕在一起的电线和电子磁带。
The newspaper said it had obtained an internal BP email showing that the company was under investigation by a grand jury. 该报道声称从BP公司内部的一封电邮得知该公司曾受到大陪审团的调查。
The newspaper said one of the blooms emerged on Friday near the mouth of the Yellow River and covered about 1,850 sq km (710 sq miles) of the Bohai Sea. 报纸称其中的一次红潮周5出现在黄河出海口处并且覆盖了1850平方公里的渤海海域.
The newspaper said the Army and Air Force denied knowledge of the episode. The Colorado National Guard did not return a call seeking comment. 落矶山新闻报报导,陆军与空军都否认知悉这起插曲。科罗拉多州国民兵部队则对询问电话没有回电。

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