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We've got a lot of confidence in her ... fortunately, she's got no internal injuries or broken bones, but she's getting all stitched up.

We've an agreement,the 33-year-old Hedman told Swedish television channel TV4's website. “我们达成了协议,“33岁的海德曼告诉瑞典电视台TV4的网站。
We've been in this situation many times, but luckily we've the experience and strength to be able to do that and it has helped us on many occasions. “好多次我们都处在这种形势,幸好我们有经验和实力去做到那些,这在许多时候都帮助了我们。”
We've been on the balls of our feet, basically,said Yankees manager Joe Torre. We're not waiting around for something to happen. We're trying to make things happen. 老爹)说:基本上今日是靠脚跑出胜利的,对手实力不错,我们不等好运出现,我们靠自己使比赛圆满结束.
We've come so close in the last few years - three times in the semi-finals. “我们在过去的几年已经很接近成功了,我们三次打进了半决赛。”
We've discovered that these sleep-ins are actually putting your body out of whack enough to change your Sunday night bedtime and set you up for Monday blues,Professor Lack told AAP. 拉克教授告诉AAP:“我们发现,实际上贪睡使你的身体失调,改变你周日夜间的睡眠时间,导致周一的沮丧抑郁。”
We've got a lot of confidence in her ... fortunately, she's got no internal injuries or broken bones, but she's getting all stitched up. “我们对她信心十足,幸运地她没有受到内伤或者骨折什么的,她只需要缝针。”
We've got good local knowledge in terms of local wildlife. “我们要利用当地居民掌握的当地野生动物的知识。
We've got no indication that anything of the sort has happened. We believe these reports to be completely unfounded,said a State Department official who asked not to be named. 我们没有任何这种事情已经发生的迹象。我们相信这些报告完全没有根据,要求不要透露姓名的一位国务院官员说。
We've got some unbelievable players in the squad and I don't see any reason why we can't win it,declared Rooney. “我们有一些难以置信的球员,我看不到我们不能赢得赛事的原因,”鲁尼公开说。
We've got to go there and stand up to a good technical team and a hostile crowd and show what we are as a team. “我们来到这里,要与一只技术不错的球队以及他们的球迷较量,我们必须展示出球队的精神面貌。”
We've got to stop attributing any efficacy to Echinacea. 我们不应再认为紫锥菊有任何功效了.

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