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The series pumps are designed by our company on the basis of IS series and ISG series pump, adopting the modern most excellent hydraulic model and using lengthening shaft motor for direct-coupled configuration.

The series of soft and composite floor board is centred on the Yujitong brand,some new products,such as flexible anti-static floor board、inflaming retard-ing floor board、heating and heat –conducting floor board,are produced.A thousand journey is walked,bo 以宙际通牌软、硬复合系列地板为中心,纵向推出软抗静电地板、夜明地板、阻燃地板、彩暖导热地板等新产品,足行千里路,踏着他祝您一路平安。
The series of the Outbound Best Guide is generally the combinations of the complete details of sightseeing and all travelling magazines. 本《出境游》系列导游丛书是集旅游导览与旅游杂志风格于一身,专为热爱旅游的人士而设计的刊物。
The series photograph works emerging as performance way whiles I acting as an angle. 这组摄影作品以行为表演的方式,我扮演成天使这一形象。
The series presses special have Idle speed high, drawing adjustment etc and the draw. lamella piece of the ideal equipments. 本系列液压机具有空程速度高,拉伸力调整等特点,是拉伸薄板件的理想设备。
The series products are avanced CNC lathe, CNC turning and milling center by introducing advanced technology. 该系列产品是引进国外先进技术生产的数控车床及数控车削中心。
The series pumps are designed by our company on the basis of IS series and ISG series pump, adopting the modern most excellent hydraulic model and using lengthening shaft motor for direct-coupled configuration. 系列泵是我公司采用IS系列泵和ISG系列泵的优点,选用最先进的水力模型而设计的新型水泵。
The series solution for boundary value problem of nonhomogeneous harmonic equation with variable coefficient is obtained. 使变系数非齐次调和方程边值问题的求解有了新的进展。
The series the machine ask for help from the appropriation molding tool with the particular manufacturing craft, and proceeds to squeeze to process, make to good metals plastic its squeeze to process direct shipping links the tube deal with contact with t 本系列机器借助于专用模具和特定的制造工艺,对塑性优良的金属材料进行挤压加工,使其挤压加工成三通管接头和其他各种异型管制品。
The series, development trend of fire retardant and the advantage of magnesium hydroxide as fire retardant are introduced simply. 摘要简要介绍阻燃剂的种类、发展趋势和氢氧化镁作为阻燃剂的优点。
The series,consisting of series DSSY523 three-phase &three-tire type and series DTSY523 three-phase &four-wire type.is developed on the base of excellent three-phase watt-hours meter to has such function as power metering,load control and customer informa DSSY523系列三相三线及DTSY523系列三相四线两种,是在性能优良的三相电子式电能表的基础上,研制开发的具有电能计量、负荷控制和用户信息管理等多种功能的仪表、可有效解决拖欠电费,是扼制超容、窃电、实现电能商品化、有效控制和调节电网负荷的理想产品。
The series-base-isolation structure, with a composite bearing formed by serial connection of the rubber isolation bearing with friction-sliding isolation bearing and connected with the rubber isolation bearing in parallel form, obtains good effect of vibr 摘要由橡胶隔震支座与摩擦滑移隔震支座串联成组合支座,再与橡胶隔震支座并联形成的串联基础隔震结构,在地震时可以取得较好的隔震效果。

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