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Some annual operating costs are environmental in nature. For example, energy costs can be considered an environmental cost as the use of fossil fuels is a source of carbon dioxide and air pollution.

Some animals will not breed in cages. 有些动物在笼子里不产崽。
Some animals will not breed in captivity. 有些动物被关起来时不会繁殖。
Some animals will not breed when caged. 有些动物关在笼内就不产仔。
Some animals,including human beings,are omnivorous and eat both meat and vegetables;others are either carnivorous or herbivorous. 包括人在内的一些动物是杂食动物,既吃肉类,也吃蔬菜;而其它动物则或是食肉动物,或是食草动物.
Some annotations mainly concerning nomenclature and taxonomy are supplied. 本文给出了有关多孔菌命名和分类的相应注释。
Some annual operating costs are environmental in nature. For example, energy costs can be considered an environmental cost as the use of fossil fuels is a source of carbon dioxide and air pollution. 一些日常行为的代价就是自然环境,例如,像使用过时的燃料是二氧化碳和空气污染的来源一样,能量的消耗被认为是环境付出。
Some answer employment agency ads in overseas newspapers to work in Japan as dancersor entertainers—only to find themselves hostessing. 一些人回复了登在海外报纸上,招聘到日本工作的“舞蹈演员”或者“演艺人员”的广告——不过她们发现自己去做的是舞女。
Some anti spam applications use black lists of servers that send spam messages, some use different algorithms to sort spam messages from normal ones. 一些防请使用文明语言邮件软件使用了黑名单,一些使用了某种分类方法。
Some anti-interference techniques are introduced such as appropriate circuit layout and wiring, the component and device screening as well as digital filter and the zero point processing in software. 提出了通过从电路合理的布局布线和元器件的筛选以及软件的数字滤波和零点处理等措施来达到抗干扰的目的。
Some antivirus solutions enable you to review reports from all configured clients via a Web interface. 一些抗病毒方案使你能通过网页界面审查所有已配置客户端的报告。
Some ants have been collected for laboratory identification. 部分蚂蚁已送往实验室检验。

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