A platform or mound of earth within a fort from which guns are fired over the parapet.
炮墩,炮座堡垒内部的平台或土墩,大炮可从中越过胸墙而发射 |
A plausible evolutionary hypothesis suggests itself: limited resources led to the selection for within-group cooperation and between-group competition in humans, resulting in within-group amity and between-group enmity.
合理的演化假说告诉我们:有限资源所造成的选汰力量,会促进人类群体内的合作与群体间的竞争,因此导致群体之内的友好与群体之间的敌对。 |
A play cost in the upper left corner, which tells you how many resources you must exhaust to play the card from your hand.
左上角有一个出牌消耗点数,表示你出这张盘的时候需要消耗的资源数。 |
A play is modelled according to a theatrical play with acts and role-parts.
一个剧本模仿戏剧剧本中的幕和角色-部分。 |
A play of colours and graphics of all varieties.
色彩与影像以各种不同的形态展现。 |
A play, film, television program, or other narrative work that portrays or depicts calamitous events and has an unhappy but meaningful ending.
悲剧式作品刻画或描写灾难性事件的剧作、电影、电视节目或其它叙事作品,有不幸的但意味深长的结局 |
A player can also conquer other players' bases, which are then occupied by the conquering player.
玩家可以占领其他玩家的基地,当他征服了一个玩家之后。 |
A player can put his opponent in poor position by leaving the cue ball behind the eight-ball.
如果还有别的球没有进袋而玩球的人却不小心把八号球打了进去,那他就输了。 |
A player can reclaim this debris by sending recyclers to that astro; recyclers will work automatically, converting 10 credits per hour of debris into income for that player.
玩家可以用回收船回收这些残骸,回收是自动进行的,每小时可以回收10个信用点。 |
A player can take a piece of the opponent by moving one of his own pieces to the square that contains a piece of the opponent.
一个棋手可以通过将自己的棋子移动到一个有对方棋子的方格上吃掉对方的棋子。 |
A player cannot learn a position simply by playing there in matches, but if he is training in that position then playing there during matches does complement his positional development.
队员不能通过在某个位置仅仅打比赛来学到该位置。但是他可以一边训练该位置,一边在这个位置上打比赛,来完成新位置训练。 |