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Stockholm is the capital of Sweden. It is a big city with a population of 1.4 million.

Stock that falls sharply on bad news. 一有坏消息便急剧下跌的股票。
Stockbrokers benefit a lot from the stock exchange. 股票经纪人通过股票交易获利颇丰。
Stockbrokers, auto dealers, mail carriers, insurance and real estate agents: the internet will eradicate middlemen by the millions. 股票经纪人、汽车经销商、邮递员、保险和房地产代理人:因特网将使数百万的中间人消失。
Stockholder feel optimism with the future of the company. 股东们对公司的末来非常乐观。
Stockholders show much optimism on the company's future. 股东们对公司的末来非常乐观。
Stockholm is the capital of Sweden. It is a big city with a population of 1.4 million. 水上城市威尼斯几乎是家喻户晓、童叟皆知。然而,地处北欧的斯德哥尔摩被喻为“北欧的威尼斯”。这个你知道吗?
Stockings made of one of these synthetic materials. 尼龙长袜用这些合成材料制成的长袜
Stockings were substituted for the shoes in Britain, most of Europe and in North America. 鞋子后来在英国、欧洲各地及北美被换成了袜子。
Stockmarket investors are already worried that problems in the housing market are sapping the economy's vigour. 证券市场的投资者们已经担心房地产市场的问题正在消耗美国经济的元气。
Stockmarket investors lost some C$6 billion ($4.4 billion) when the fraud came to light. 骗局被揭发后,投资者损失了大约60亿加元(440亿美元)。
Stockmarkets have climbed on takeover fever; more than a third of all deals in America so far this year were done by private-equity firms (in 2000, the last such takeover boom, it was a meagre 4%). 股市的并购高烧不退;今年,截至目前,美国已有超过1/3的交易是由私募股权公司完成的(上一次的并购风潮发生在2000年,当时的比例仅为微小的4%)。

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