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A and B component glue pump, gelatinize gun and safety valve are all from GRACO Company of America. So it can ensure the credulity working.

A \'good\' landing is one from which you can walk away. A \'great\' landing is one after which they can use the plane again. 一个“好”的落地就是你可以安全的走出机舱。一次“极好”的落地就是这架飞机还可以再用。
A absorption automotive air conditioning system fed by waste heat of exhaust gas was raised, and the feasibility was discussed by analyzing the structure of the system and thermodynamics. 摘要提出了一个利用尾气余热的吸收式汽车空调系统,通过热力学计算及结构分析指出了吸收式汽车空调系统的可行性。
A acking that catche the eye will hel u ush the ales. 醒目的包装有助于我们推销产品。
A acute persecutor has been executed with salutes of flutes, and refutation of an absolute mute. 一个为害极大的迫害者在笛子的致敬和一个全哑之人的驳斥声中被处决了。
A an said cluster weapo should not be used agai t civilia . 安南星期四在约旦说,集束武器不应当用来对付平民。
A and B component glue pump, gelatinize gun and safety valve are all from GRACO Company of America. So it can ensure the credulity working. 组份胶泵和B组份胶泵、涂胶枪、安全阀均采用美国格瑞克(GRACO)公司产品,确保工作可靠。
A associative scheme is most flexible but too costly for implementation. 一个结合的方案是对落实是有柔性的但是太昂贵的大部分。
A babel of voices could be heard from the street. 可以听见街上一阵噪囔的声音。
A baby born with two left arms in China will have one of the appendages removed Tuesday. 中国,一天生长着两条左臂的婴儿将于周二(通过手术)切除其中一只左臂。
A baby can only receive sense impressions, but it can not understand them. 婴儿只能接受感官方面的印象,而不能理解。
A baby chimpanzee, rescued from pet dealers and brought from Southern Sudan to Kenya, is shown in its quarantine facility in Nairobi on March 13. 图中的黑猩猩幼崽从一个宠物商人手里救出后,从苏丹南部送到了肯尼亚,图为3月13日它在内罗毕的检疫隔离室里。

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