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Note:the change-over difference means the difference between the temperature when the switch breaks and the one when the switch resets to close.

Note:Transverse impact energy requirements are shown in brackets. 注:括号内为横向冲击功要求。
Note:We can design and produce Fan infrared sterilization Over and other high temperature sterilizayion Oven that suitabled for GMP by means of customer. 注:上表为我厂的技术参数,我厂还可根据用户的需要设计、制造各种远红外隧道烘箱及符合GMP规范的各种高温灭菌烘箱。
Note:We suggest that the client should choose cover thickness according to the type of the conveyed materials,granule,magnitude of the abrasion and etc. 注:我们建议客户根据运输物料种类,粒度极其磨耗性的大小等因素来选择不同厚度的盖胶。
Note:While out of the factory,the meter is setting 0~10V range and displaying 0~10.00,the user can adjust the meter what you want. 注:仪表出厂时设定输入0~10V,相应的显示0~10.00,用户根据自己的实际使用情况选择你所需要的量程和小数点位置。
Note:feet, legs and face still block the glossy paper affixed to them, so, as long as they do not damage people, not shedding blocks feet, a high safety factor. 说明:脚块与面板完全分离后,脚块仍与面板上的面纸贴在一起,因此,只要不是人为的破坏,脚块不会脱落,安全系数会很高。
Note:the change-over difference means the difference between the temperature when the switch breaks and the one when the switch resets to close. 注:切换差是指开关断开时温度和开关恢复到闭合时的温度差。
Note:the total datas in tis table includes the maritime freight Volume of contains under the Ministry of Communications and local water transportation departments. 注:表中总计包括交通部直属海洋集装箱运量和地方水运部门全部水运集装箱运量。
Note:volume of the expansion trough is more than twice that of the increment due to expansion of oil in the entire heat exchanging system caused by working conditions.In this system the expansion grough is always at the highest top.Volume of cold oil trou 注:膨胀槽体积大于热交换系统内所有油量工作条件下膨胀所引起的体积增大量的二倍,本系统膨胀槽总是位子系统的最高处,冷油槽体积约为系统内总油量的1.3倍,具体安装形式及尺寸请洽本公司技术部。
Note:①Data from World Bank.②Data refer to 2002. 注:①世界银行数据。②2002年数据。
Notebook and Tablet PC batteries are usually the Smart Lithium-Ion type. 笔记本及掌上电脑的电池通常属于智能电池。
Notecase in the pocket of his jacket when His Han was here. 他把手伸进夹克口袋里,证实钱包仍在。

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