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Released in 1998, Wide Open Spaces was an immediate sensation.

Release the exhibition news through domestic and international TV station and newspapers. 通过国内电视台和报刊发布展览会宣传广告,并作专题报导。
Release the global interpreter lock. The lock must have been created earlier. This function is not available when thread support is disabled at compile time. 释放全局解释器锁。锁必须提前创建。这个函数在编译时禁用线程支持的情况下不可用。
Release the paint line pressure and switch off the power before doing maintenance with the sprayer or changing accessories. 在保养喷漆枪或者更换配件之前,松开喷枪压力阀并且关闭电源。
Release the red button to again engage the 24 hour gear. 释放向再一次的红的钮从事24小时齿轮。
Release the two employees with least seniority. Although this is not required, it provides an objective criterion and will cause the least damage to the department and its familial atmosphere. 裁掉资历最浅的两名员工。尽管这并不是必需的,但是这提供了一个公平的标准,对于部门和它的氛围所造成的伤害最小。
Released in 1998, Wide Open Spaces was an immediate sensation. 乐队1998年发行的天地大开专辑即刻引起轰动。
Released on Valentine's Day, this story of a Black Widow killer was promoted as the top thriller of 2005. 在情人节当天出版的这本关于黑寡妇杀手的小说,被推为2005年最畅销的惊险小说。
Released the night school-themed A Class to Remember to critical acclaim. Together with three sequels made afterwards, the films became another successful Yamada series. 1993开拍以夜校为题的《学校》,获得好评如潮,之后拍了四集,乃另一成功电影系列。
Released upon maturity of Lingzhi only for the duration of 10 days. 灵芝孢子粉释放期为每年10天。
Relegation for Leeds would always mean the exit door for Smith, something which he had not denied for a number of months. 利兹的降级可能将预示着史密斯的离开,尽管进几个月来他一直在不停否认。
Relent, O Lord ! How long will it be? Have compassion on your servants. 诗90:13耶和华阿,我们要等到几时呢?求你转回,为你的仆人后悔。

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