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“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

“When President Bush talks about CEO pay, you know that it's moving to the top of the national agenda,”says Robert Reich, professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley and former secretary of labor under President Clinton. 曾任克林顿政府劳工部长、现加州大学伯克利分校公众政策教授罗伯特·莱克认为:“当布什总统也开始谈论首席执行长的收入时,表明这个问题已进入了全国关注的最高议程。”
“When a man knows deep in his bones what is right,and keeps acting on it,he avoids the trap of compromise-he remains incorruptible. 当一个人从骨子里深深了解什么是对的,并时时身体力行,他便能免于落入妥协的陷阱-没有人能收买或腐化他。
“When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. 当邪恶汇聚,良善的人们就必须团结起来,否则一个一个都将成为卑劣斗争下无谓的牺牲品。
“When is Rick going to be here?” my mother asks,referring to my husband. “瑞克什么时候来?”母亲问。瑞克是我的丈夫。
“When men are employed, they are best contented” (Benjamin Franklin). “人们在为他人服务时,他们是最满足的”(本杰明·富兰克林)。
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. 「当一道快乐之门关上,另一道便会打开,但我们经常只会留意那道关上的门,却看不见另一道已为我们打开的门。」
“When online, she would tune out and just chat with friends. “当她在线时,她就甩开现实,开始上网与朋友聊天。”
“When people talk about love, they beat around the bush,” said Li, 24. “But, why not be brave and direct? The listener feels warmer to know your love. “人们说到爱时,总是拐弯抹角,”24岁的李君军说,“但是,为什么大家不能勇敢和直接(地说出来)?听到的人会因为知道你的爱,而感觉更温暖。”
“When the US government has economic talks with aforeigngovernment, it is just like a war,” Mr Zhao wrote. “Themedia isthe air force; conducting aerial bombing to set publicopinionbefore the talks, seizing the high ground while attackinganddestroying the “美国政府和任何一个外国政府的经济贸易谈判,就像打一场战争一样,”赵民写道,“媒体是空军,谈判前造舆论就是空中轰炸,先占领制高点,打击和摧毁对手的信心。”
“When the elephants arrived, we gave them three liters of vodka each to keep warm,” a Mongolian organizer said. 蒙古主办方的一名成员说,“大象一到这里,我们就给它们喝了3公升伏特加,让它们暖和暖和。”
“When the glory of Spartan is none to other word. “当斯巴达斯的荣耀高于一切的时候!”

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