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Scarlett had no awe of her father and felt him more her conterm-porary than her sisters, for jumping fences and keeping it a secret from his wife gave him a boyish pride and guilty glee that matched her own pleasure in outwitting Mammy.

Scarlet is much lighter than crimson. 绯红色比深红色亮丽得多。
Scarlet, whose room lay across the hall from her mother's, knew from babyhood the soft sound of scurrying bare black feet on the hardwood floor in the hours of dawn, the urgent tappings on her mother's door, and the muffled, frightened Negro voices that w 斯卡利斯特的屋子正对着母亲的屋子,她在襁褓中,就常在黎明时分听见光着脚板的黑奴在硬木地板上匆匆跑动的声音,听见在她母亲房门上急促的敲打声,听见那惊惶压抑的嗓音,那是黑奴在诉说在那一长列下等人居住的白色小屋里谁家生了孩子,谁家有人生病,或是谁家死了人的消息。
Scarlett Johansson (left) and Kate Beckinsale maximize their almond-shaped eyes and oval faces with softly curved arches. 在微微弯曲的眉毛的衬托下,斯佳丽·约翰逊(左)与凯特·贝金赛尔的杏眼和鸭蛋脸的美丽被显示到最大化。
Scarlett could think of nothing to say, and she felt her face grow-ing red with annoyance. 斯卡利特不知道该说什么才好,她感到自己的脸因恼怒而发红了。
Scarlett had always liked Atlanta for the very same reasons that made Savannah, Augusta and Macon condemn it. 思佳丽之所以一向喜欢亚特兰大,正是它招致萨凡纳、奥古斯塔、梅肯等城市谴责的那些理由。
Scarlett had no awe of her father and felt him more her conterm-porary than her sisters, for jumping fences and keeping it a secret from his wife gave him a boyish pride and guilty glee that matched her own pleasure in outwitting Mammy. 斯卡利特不害怕她父亲,而且觉得他比她的妹妹们更象她的同龄人,把跳篱笆这事瞒着他妻子让他感到一种孩子似的骄傲和带有负疚感的快乐,就象她以机智胜过妈咪后所获得的欢愉一样。
Scarlett loved Twelve Oaks even more than Tara, for it had a stately beauty, a mellowed dignity that Gerald's house did not possess. 思佳丽爱“橡树岭”甚至胜过“陶乐”,因为“橡树岭”庄园有一种庄严的美、一种难得的高贵,是“陶乐”庄园所不具有的。
Scarlett sighed. If Gerald once got on the subject of war and secession, it would be hours before he relinquished it. She broke in with another line. 斯卡利特叹了口气。杰拉尔德一旦开始谈论战争和独立,不讲上几个小时绝不会罢休。她赶快用另一个话题来打断他。
Scarlett turned away from Mammy with studied nonchalance, thankful that her face had been unnoticed in Mammy's preoccupation with the matter of ther shawl. 斯卡利特装作若无其事地转身离开妈咪,感谢上帝,她的脸由于妈咪全神贯注于披肩而没有被注意到。
Scarlett's eyes searched the crowd for Ashley, even while she made pleasant small talk with John Wilkes, but he was not on the porch. 思佳丽的眼睛在人群中搜寻阿希礼,甚至当她跟约翰·韦尔克斯愉快聊天的时候也不停止;但阿希礼不在门廊里。
Scarlett, sitting on the stump, thought of those words which had made her so happy, and suddenly they took on another meaning, a hideous meaning. 斯卡利特坐在树桩上,想起那些曾经让她那么快乐的话,突然间,它们呈现出另一种含义,一个可怕的含义。

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