Of course, you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it. |
中文意思: 当然,如果你罪有应得,她们也可能神不知鬼不觉地一枪把你给毙了。 |
Of course, women who focus on style over substance eventually find what they want: a devilishly handsome man who is oh-so-smooth and sophisticated, is built like an ancient god, and is not afraid to cry during old movies.
当然,那些关注外表超过一切的女人终究会找到她们想要的:一个超级帅哥,知冷知热,世故有礼,被打造得像古时候的天神,也不羞于在看电影的时候潸然泪下。 |
Of course, you can also be a pirate and prey on merchant vessels.
当然,你也可以作个海盗,掠夺商船。 |
Of course, you can do it alone.
当然了,你可以私下单独这样做。 |
Of course, you can get more GLs in one turn, so once you get one, always try to move and use the GL that same turn, and get back to the fighting afterwards.
当然,你可以在一个回合中获得多个领袖,一旦你获得一个领袖,一定要在一个回合内移动他们和使用他们,然后再次进行战斗,此时可能获得另外一个领袖。 |
Of course, you deserve it, they won hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it.
当然,如果你罪有应得,她们也可能神不知鬼不觉地一枪把你给毙了。 |
Of course, you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it.
当然,如果你罪有应得,她们也可能神不知鬼不觉地一枪把你给毙了。 |
Of course, you have to bring with you sufficient clothes for camping or else you will get sick.
当然,大家出发前必须准备足够的御寒衣物,否则病倒便不好了。 |
Of course, you know, afterwards you go further, but that's for me what I sum up right now.
当然,过段时间你可能会分析得更透彻些,但现在对我来说这就是这么回事儿。 |
Of course, you must realize that all this time the vampire Lestat was extraordinary.
当然,整个过程中吸血鬼莱斯特却显得很超然。 |
Of course, you shall put your best foot forward.
你当然应该尽量给人留下个好印象。 |
Of course, you will need to have subscribed to an Internet Service Provider (ISP), and that your Internet connection be installed and functional.
当然,妳要为互联网服务提供商(ISP)付费,并且妳的互联网联接。 |